Welcome to WMAL’s Military Medicine Minute powered by Humana Military.

Listen to WMAL weekday mornings at 7:30AM right here on WMAL for this new, re-occurring segment where Larry O’Connor will be telling the story of the critical role that military medicine has played in the founding of our country.

We’ll be exploring:

  • The historical role of military medicine.
  • The American war-time innovations that re-shaped modern medicine as we know it today.
  • The current role military medicine plays in providing care for our brave men and women who serve around the globe.

WMAL, Humana Military, and the Friends of Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences have partnered with a team of professional military medical historians to tell these critical stories!

Because imagining America’s past, present and future without military medicine is a scary thought…

Without Military Medicine … how would America have fared in global conflicts dating back to the revolutionary war?

Without Military Medicine … would medical innovations like penicillin, prosthetics and telemedicine be available to you and me?

Without Military Medicine … who would provide care to our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and those who put their lives on the line every day to care for those who go into harms way to protect our freedoms?

Thank you to Humana Military for their continued commitment and dedication to serving our active-duty military, veterans and their families. And offering the finest healthcare available, with a simplified approach to service and care.

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