Category Archives: Mornings on the Mall Interviews

LISTEN: MARIA KEFFLER Discussed How Arlington Schools Are Pushing A New Policy On Transgender And Non-Binary Students

LISTEN: MARIA KEFFLER Discussed How Arlington Schools Are Pushing A New Policy On Transgender And Non-Binary Students

INTERVIEW – MARIA KEFFLER –   a former school teacher and parent whose children attend Arlington Public Schools — discussed how Arlington is seeking feedback from parents on their new plan to change the policy on  transgender and non-binary students. The school system has given parents from May 28 until June 11 (tomorrow0 to provide input…Read more

LISTEN: AOC’s GOP Challenger RICH VALDES Discussed Why He’s Planning To Run Against Her And How She Literally Ran Away From Him

LISTEN: AOC’s GOP Challenger RICH VALDES Discussed Why He’s Planning To Run Against Her And How She Literally Ran Away From Him

INTERVIEW – RICH VALDES — GOP challenger to AOC, known to WMAL’s audience as Mark Levin Show’s “Mr. Call Screener” His website:  and Twitter: @RichValdes Potential Ocasio-Cortez Challenger: AOC Wants a ‘New Soviet Republic’  A Republican from New Jersey who plans to move to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district to run against her in the…Read more

LISTEN: DR. MARC SIEGEL Discussed A New Warning Of A Possible Measles Outbreak In Northern Virginia:  If You Walk Into A Room Where Measles Was Two Hours Before, The Chances of Getting It Is 90%. It’s One Of The Most Contagious Respiratory Viruses There Is.

LISTEN: DR. MARC SIEGEL Discussed A New Warning Of A Possible Measles Outbreak In Northern Virginia: If You Walk Into A Room Where Measles Was Two Hours Before, The Chances of Getting It Is 90%. It’s One Of The Most Contagious Respiratory Viruses There Is.

INTERVIEW – DR. MARC SIEGEL – Professor of Medicine at NYU and  Fox News medical correspondent @DrMarcSiegel Health officials have issued a warning of a possible measles outbreak in the Northern Virginia area. A person with measles visited three Northern Virginia locations — Dulles International Airport and two health facilities in Haymarket and Fairfax,…Read more

LISTEN: ‘Unmasked’ Author BRENT BOZELL: The President Gave A Tremendous Normandy Address. It Was So Good The Media Analysis Was Positive But The Rest Of The UK Trip Coverage Has Been Horrific.

LISTEN: ‘Unmasked’ Author BRENT BOZELL: The President Gave A Tremendous Normandy Address. It Was So Good The Media Analysis Was Positive But The Rest Of The UK Trip Coverage Has Been Horrific.

INTERVIEW – BRENT BOZELL – President, Media Research Center and author of new book “UNMASKED: Big Media’s War Against Trump” – analyzed the media bashing of Trump’s UK trip, media reviews of Trump’s Normandy speech and discussed Brent’s new book. ABOUT HIS NEW BOOK: In the new book, UNMASKED: Big Media’s War Against Trump, the…Read more

LISTEN: HANS VON SPAKOVSKY On Congress Demanding Census Documents: It’s Long Time DOJ Policy That They Don’t Make Public Civil Litigation That’s Before The Court, Such As The Supreme Court. It’s Like Taking Your War Plan And Giving It To The Other Side.

LISTEN: HANS VON SPAKOVSKY On Congress Demanding Census Documents: It’s Long Time DOJ Policy That They Don’t Make Public Civil Litigation That’s Before The Court, Such As The Supreme Court. It’s Like Taking Your War Plan And Giving It To The Other Side.

INTERVIEW – HANS VON SPAKOVSKY – Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation The Supreme Court is expected to rule by the end of the month about whether the citizenship question should be allowed in the 2020 census. Thursday: DOJ has rejected the House Oversight Committee’s demand for more…Read more

LISTEN: CAL THOMAS Reflected On The Meaning of D-Day

LISTEN: CAL THOMAS Reflected On The Meaning of D-Day

INTERVIEW – CAL THOMAS -SYNDICATED COLUMNIST – reflected on D-Day and his family’s involvement in the war. D-Day’s ‘forgotten’ woman. (By Cal Thomas) — Observances of the 75th anniversary of D-Day are properly focusing on the troops and the architect of Operation Overlord, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who freed Europe from Hitler and his Nazi…Read more

LISTEN: ALAN LEWIS Discussed The Important Work of Honor Flights

LISTEN: ALAN LEWIS Discussed The Important Work of Honor Flights

INTERVIEW – ALAN LEWIS from Reagan DCA Honor Flight Volunteers — reflected on the D-Day 75th anniversary, discussed the important work that Honor Flight does for veterans and how people can help. more

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Category Archives: Mornings on the Mall Interviews

LISTEN: MARIA KEFFLER Discussed How Arlington Schools Are Pushing A New Policy On Transgender And Non-Binary Students

LISTEN: MARIA KEFFLER Discussed How Arlington Schools Are Pushing A New Policy On Transgender And Non-Binary Students

INTERVIEW – MARIA KEFFLER –   a former school teacher and parent whose children attend Arlington Public Schools — discussed how Arlington is seeking feedback from parents on their new plan to change the policy on  transgender and non-binary students. The school system has given parents from May 28 until June 11 (tomorrow0 to provide input…Continue Reading

LISTEN: AOC’s GOP Challenger RICH VALDES Discussed Why He’s Planning To Run Against Her And How She Literally Ran Away From Him

LISTEN: AOC’s GOP Challenger RICH VALDES Discussed Why He’s Planning To Run Against Her And How She Literally Ran Away From Him

INTERVIEW – RICH VALDES — GOP challenger to AOC, known to WMAL’s audience as Mark Levin Show’s “Mr. Call Screener” His website:  and Twitter: @RichValdes Potential Ocasio-Cortez Challenger: AOC Wants a ‘New Soviet Republic’  A Republican from New Jersey who plans to move to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district to run against her in the…Continue Reading

LISTEN: DR. MARC SIEGEL Discussed A New Warning Of A Possible Measles Outbreak In Northern Virginia:  If You Walk Into A Room Where Measles Was Two Hours Before, The Chances of Getting It Is 90%. It’s One Of The Most Contagious Respiratory Viruses There Is.

LISTEN: DR. MARC SIEGEL Discussed A New Warning Of A Possible Measles Outbreak In Northern Virginia: If You Walk Into A Room Where Measles Was Two Hours Before, The Chances of Getting It Is 90%. It’s One Of The Most Contagious Respiratory Viruses There Is.

INTERVIEW – DR. MARC SIEGEL – Professor of Medicine at NYU and  Fox News medical correspondent @DrMarcSiegel Health officials have issued a warning of a possible measles outbreak in the Northern Virginia area. A person with measles visited three Northern Virginia locations — Dulles International Airport and two health facilities in Haymarket and Fairfax,…Continue Reading

LISTEN: ‘Unmasked’ Author BRENT BOZELL: The President Gave A Tremendous Normandy Address. It Was So Good The Media Analysis Was Positive But The Rest Of The UK Trip Coverage Has Been Horrific.

LISTEN: ‘Unmasked’ Author BRENT BOZELL: The President Gave A Tremendous Normandy Address. It Was So Good The Media Analysis Was Positive But The Rest Of The UK Trip Coverage Has Been Horrific.

INTERVIEW – BRENT BOZELL – President, Media Research Center and author of new book “UNMASKED: Big Media’s War Against Trump” – analyzed the media bashing of Trump’s UK trip, media reviews of Trump’s Normandy speech and discussed Brent’s new book. ABOUT HIS NEW BOOK: In the new book, UNMASKED: Big Media’s War Against Trump, the…Continue Reading

LISTEN: HANS VON SPAKOVSKY On Congress Demanding Census Documents: It’s Long Time DOJ Policy That They Don’t Make Public Civil Litigation That’s Before The Court, Such As The Supreme Court. It’s Like Taking Your War Plan And Giving It To The Other Side.

LISTEN: HANS VON SPAKOVSKY On Congress Demanding Census Documents: It’s Long Time DOJ Policy That They Don’t Make Public Civil Litigation That’s Before The Court, Such As The Supreme Court. It’s Like Taking Your War Plan And Giving It To The Other Side.

INTERVIEW – HANS VON SPAKOVSKY – Manager, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation The Supreme Court is expected to rule by the end of the month about whether the citizenship question should be allowed in the 2020 census. Thursday: DOJ has rejected the House Oversight Committee’s demand for more…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 06.07.19 / Hans Von Spakovsky, Brent Bozell and Dr. Marc Siegel

Mornings on the Mall 06.07.19 / Hans Von Spakovsky, Brent Bozell and Dr. Marc Siegel

Hans Von Spakovsky, Brent Bozell and Dr. Marc Siegel joined WMAL on Friday! Mornings on the Mall Friday, June 7, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C HS Teacher Fired After Failed Attempt to Report Undocumented Students to Trump’s Twitter Account. (Mediaite) — A Texas school board…Continue Reading

LISTEN: CAL THOMAS Reflected On The Meaning of D-Day

LISTEN: CAL THOMAS Reflected On The Meaning of D-Day

INTERVIEW – CAL THOMAS -SYNDICATED COLUMNIST – reflected on D-Day and his family’s involvement in the war. D-Day’s ‘forgotten’ woman. (By Cal Thomas) — Observances of the 75th anniversary of D-Day are properly focusing on the troops and the architect of Operation Overlord, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who freed Europe from Hitler and his Nazi…Continue Reading

LISTEN: Tuskegee Airman LT. COL. HARRY STEWART JR Shared His Remarkable Personal Story About Fighting In World War II

LISTEN: Tuskegee Airman LT. COL. HARRY STEWART JR Shared His Remarkable Personal Story About Fighting In World War II

INTERVIEW – LT. COL. HARRY STEWART JR – World War II Tuskegee Airman and author of new book “Soaring to Glory” – shared his story and discussed the meaning of today’s anniversary. Soaring to Glory: A Tuskegee Airman’s Firsthand Account of WWII (Regnery History; June 4, 2019; $29.99) is the remarkable true story of Lt.…Continue Reading


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