Category Archives: Mornings on the Mall Interviews

Mornings on the Mall 08.01.19 / HUD Secretary Ben Carson, ACU’s Matt Schlapp, CBP’s Mark Morgan, Beverly Hallberg

Mornings on the Mall 08.01.19 / HUD Secretary Ben Carson, ACU’s Matt Schlapp, CBP’s Mark Morgan, Beverly Hallberg

.@bevhallberg @IWF is back guest co-hosting Mornings on the Mall with @VinceCoglianese. Keep it tuned to @WMALDC from 5-9aE. — IWF (@IWF) August 1, 2019 HUD Secretary Ben Carson, ACU’s Matt Schlapp, U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Mark Morgan and guest host Beverly Hallberg joined WMAL Thursday morning! Mornings on the Mall Thursday, August 1,…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 07.31.19 / Cal Thomas, Josh Kraushaar, Joe Concha, Beverly Hallberg

Mornings on the Mall 07.31.19 / Cal Thomas, Josh Kraushaar, Joe Concha, Beverly Hallberg

Join Mornings on the Mall with @VinceCoglianese and guest co-host @bevhallberg @IWF for the 8aE hour. Tune to @WMALDC. — IWF (@IWF) July 31, 2019 Columnist Cal Thomas, National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar, The Hill’s Joe Concha and guest host Beverly Hallberg joined WMAL on Wednesday! Mornings on the Mall Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Hosts:…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 07.29.19 / Joe diGenova, VA Del. Tim Hugo, Amber Athey, Derek Hunter, Kelsey Bolar

Mornings on the Mall 07.29.19 / Joe diGenova, VA Del. Tim Hugo, Amber Athey, Derek Hunter, Kelsey Bolar

Thank you to @kelseybolar for co-hosting with @VinceCoglianese today on @WMALDC! #motm — WMAL DC (@WMALDC) July 29, 2019 WMAL legal analyst Joe diGenova, VA Del. Tim Hugo, Daily Caller’s Amber Athey, Derek Hunter and  guest co-host KELSEY BOLAR – Senior Writer at The Daily Signal and Visiting Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 07.25.19 / Joe diGenova, Tom Fitton, Sean Davis, Chuck Ross

Mornings on the Mall 07.25.19 / Joe diGenova, Tom Fitton, Sean Davis, Chuck Ross

Joe diGenova, Tom Fitton, Sean Davis and Chuck Ross joined WMAL on Thursday! Mornings on the Mall Thursday, July 25, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C/D/E     REACTION TO THE MUELLER HEARINGS: Mueller flustered, asking lawmakers to repeat questions at tense hearing (Fox News) — Former Special…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 07.24.19 / Rudy Giuliani, Cal Thomas, White House’s Adam Kennedy, Byron York, Dan Bongino

Mornings on the Mall 07.24.19 / Rudy Giuliani, Cal Thomas, White House’s Adam Kennedy, Byron York, Dan Bongino

Rudy, Giuliani, Cal Thomas, White House’s Adam Kennedy, Byron York and Dan Bongino joined WMAL on Wednesday! Mornings on the Mall Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C PREVIEW MUELLER HEARINGS: Former Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller testifies before Congress today. The former special counsel…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 07.22.19 / Larry O’Connor, Amb. Ric Grenell

Mornings on the Mall 07.22.19 / Larry O’Connor, Amb. Ric Grenell

  WMAL’s Larry O’Connor and Amb. Ric Grenell joined WMAL on Monday! Mornings on the Mall Monday, July 22, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter 5am – A/B/C LUNCH DEBT SHAMING:  Pennsylvania school district tells parents to pay their lunch debt, or their kids will go into foster care (CNN)…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 07.19.19 / Newt Gingrich, NASA’s Jim Morhard, GWU’s John Logsdon, Weather Channel’s Geoff Maurer, Smithsonian’s Katie Moyer, Nick Partridge, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer

Mornings on the Mall 07.19.19 / Newt Gingrich, NASA’s Jim Morhard, GWU’s John Logsdon, Weather Channel’s Geoff Maurer, Smithsonian’s Katie Moyer, Nick Partridge, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer

Thank you to @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y for co-hosting on @WMALDC this morning! — WMAL DC (@WMALDC) July 19, 2019 Newt Gingrich, NASA’s Jim Morhard, GWU’s John Logsdon, Weather Channel’s Geoff Maurer, Smithsonian’s Katie Moyer and Nick Partridge, and guest host Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer join WMAL on Friday morning! Mornings on the Mall Friday, July…Read more

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Category Archives: Mornings on the Mall Interviews

Mornings on the Mall 08.01.19 / HUD Secretary Ben Carson, ACU’s Matt Schlapp, CBP’s Mark Morgan, Beverly Hallberg

Mornings on the Mall 08.01.19 / HUD Secretary Ben Carson, ACU’s Matt Schlapp, CBP’s Mark Morgan, Beverly Hallberg

.@bevhallberg @IWF is back guest co-hosting Mornings on the Mall with @VinceCoglianese. Keep it tuned to @WMALDC from 5-9aE. — IWF (@IWF) August 1, 2019 HUD Secretary Ben Carson, ACU’s Matt Schlapp, U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Mark Morgan and guest host Beverly Hallberg joined WMAL Thursday morning! Mornings on the Mall Thursday, August 1,…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.31.19 / Cal Thomas, Josh Kraushaar, Joe Concha, Beverly Hallberg

Mornings on the Mall 07.31.19 / Cal Thomas, Josh Kraushaar, Joe Concha, Beverly Hallberg

Join Mornings on the Mall with @VinceCoglianese and guest co-host @bevhallberg @IWF for the 8aE hour. Tune to @WMALDC. — IWF (@IWF) July 31, 2019 Columnist Cal Thomas, National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar, The Hill’s Joe Concha and guest host Beverly Hallberg joined WMAL on Wednesday! Mornings on the Mall Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Hosts:…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.30.19 / Dr. Alveda King, Ian Lovejoy, Tim Murtaugh, Beverly Hallberg

Mornings on the Mall 07.30.19 / Dr. Alveda King, Ian Lovejoy, Tim Murtaugh, Beverly Hallberg

COMING UP! @bevhallberg @IWF guest co-hosts Mornings on the Mall with @VinceCoglianese. Keep it tuned to @WMALDC from 5-9aE. — IWF (@IWF) July 30, 2019 Dr. Alveda King, Ian Lovejoy, Trump 2020’s Tim Murtaugh and guest co-host Beverly Hallberg joined WMAL on Tuesday! Mornings on the Mall Tuesday, July 30, 2019 Hosts: Vince Coglianese and…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.29.19 / Joe diGenova, VA Del. Tim Hugo, Amber Athey, Derek Hunter, Kelsey Bolar

Mornings on the Mall 07.29.19 / Joe diGenova, VA Del. Tim Hugo, Amber Athey, Derek Hunter, Kelsey Bolar

Thank you to @kelseybolar for co-hosting with @VinceCoglianese today on @WMALDC! #motm — WMAL DC (@WMALDC) July 29, 2019 WMAL legal analyst Joe diGenova, VA Del. Tim Hugo, Daily Caller’s Amber Athey, Derek Hunter and  guest co-host KELSEY BOLAR – Senior Writer at The Daily Signal and Visiting Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.26.19 /  Katie Phang, DC Police Chief Peter Newsham, Susan Ferrechio, Bret Baier

Mornings on the Mall 07.26.19 / Katie Phang, DC Police Chief Peter Newsham, Susan Ferrechio, Bret Baier

Katie Phang, DC Police Chief Peter Newsham, Susan Ferrechio and Bret Baier joined WMAL on Friday! Mornings on the Mall Friday, July 26, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C Waiter slammed for secretly serving virgin drinks to possibly pregnant woman who wanted alcohol. (Fox News) –…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.25.19 / Joe diGenova, Tom Fitton, Sean Davis, Chuck Ross

Mornings on the Mall 07.25.19 / Joe diGenova, Tom Fitton, Sean Davis, Chuck Ross

Joe diGenova, Tom Fitton, Sean Davis and Chuck Ross joined WMAL on Thursday! Mornings on the Mall Thursday, July 25, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C/D/E     REACTION TO THE MUELLER HEARINGS: Mueller flustered, asking lawmakers to repeat questions at tense hearing (Fox News) — Former Special…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.24.19 / Rudy Giuliani, Cal Thomas, White House’s Adam Kennedy, Byron York, Dan Bongino

Mornings on the Mall 07.24.19 / Rudy Giuliani, Cal Thomas, White House’s Adam Kennedy, Byron York, Dan Bongino

Rudy, Giuliani, Cal Thomas, White House’s Adam Kennedy, Byron York and Dan Bongino joined WMAL on Wednesday! Mornings on the Mall Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C PREVIEW MUELLER HEARINGS: Former Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller testifies before Congress today. The former special counsel…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.23.19 /  Michael Rubin, Jessica Vaughan, Raheem Kassam, Elizabeth Schultz

Mornings on the Mall 07.23.19 / Michael Rubin, Jessica Vaughan, Raheem Kassam, Elizabeth Schultz

Michael Rubin, Jessica Vaughan, Raheem Kassam and Elizabeth Schultz joined WMAL on Tuesday! Mornings on the Mall Tuesday, July 23, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter   5am – A/B/C  Rashida Tlaib: The federal minimum wage ‘should be $20 an hour’ (Washington Examiner) — Rep. Rashida Tlaib said the federal…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.22.19 / Larry O’Connor, Amb. Ric Grenell

Mornings on the Mall 07.22.19 / Larry O’Connor, Amb. Ric Grenell

  WMAL’s Larry O’Connor and Amb. Ric Grenell joined WMAL on Monday! Mornings on the Mall Monday, July 22, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter 5am – A/B/C LUNCH DEBT SHAMING:  Pennsylvania school district tells parents to pay their lunch debt, or their kids will go into foster care (CNN)…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 07.19.19 / Newt Gingrich, NASA’s Jim Morhard, GWU’s John Logsdon, Weather Channel’s Geoff Maurer, Smithsonian’s Katie Moyer, Nick Partridge, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer

Mornings on the Mall 07.19.19 / Newt Gingrich, NASA’s Jim Morhard, GWU’s John Logsdon, Weather Channel’s Geoff Maurer, Smithsonian’s Katie Moyer, Nick Partridge, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer

Thank you to @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y for co-hosting on @WMALDC this morning! — WMAL DC (@WMALDC) July 19, 2019 Newt Gingrich, NASA’s Jim Morhard, GWU’s John Logsdon, Weather Channel’s Geoff Maurer, Smithsonian’s Katie Moyer and Nick Partridge, and guest host Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer join WMAL on Friday morning! Mornings on the Mall Friday, July…Continue Reading


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