Category Archives: Mornings on the Mall Interviews

Mornings on the Mall 10.07.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Andrew McCarthy

Mornings on the Mall 10.07.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Andrew McCarthy

Mornings on the Mall Monday, October 7, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Legal analyst Joe diGenova, WMAL’s Redskins Analyst Trevor Matich and Andrew McCarthy joined WMAL on Monday!   5am – A/B/C Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 9 Things. 5am – D        …Read more

Mornings on the Mall 10.03.19 / Ken Cuccinelli, Amber Athey, Carol Maloney, Susan Ferrechio

Mornings on the Mall 10.03.19 / Ken Cuccinelli, Amber Athey, Carol Maloney, Susan Ferrechio

Mornings on the Mall Thursday, October 3, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Ken Cuccinelli, Amber Athey, Carol Maloney and Susan Ferrechio joined WMAL on Thursday!   5am – A/B/C Bernie Sanders, 78, is canceling campaign events until further notice after having heart surgery. (CBS News) – Leading Democratic presidential…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 10.02.19 / Cal Thomas, Mark Krikorian, Grover Norquist, Scott Allen

Mornings on the Mall 10.02.19 / Cal Thomas, Mark Krikorian, Grover Norquist, Scott Allen

Mornings on the Mall Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Cal Thomas, Mark Krikorian, Grover Norquist and Scott Allen joined WMAL joined WMAL on Wednesday!   5am – A/B/C Here’s what happened in another wild day of the Trump-Ukraine scandal: NY TIMES: Administration and Congress Clash Over…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 09.30.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Firas Nasr, Sean Davis

Mornings on the Mall 09.30.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Firas Nasr, Sean Davis

Mornings on the Mall Monday, September 30, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Legal analyst Joe diGenova, WMAL’s Redskins Analyst Trevor Matich, Twerking climate protester Firas Nasr and The Federalist’s Sean Davis joined WMAL on Monday!   5am – A/B/C President Trump Wants To Face His Accuser: “Like every American,…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 09.27.19 / Lori Graf, Ken Cuccinelli, Dr. Chris Rodriguez, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich, Larry Michael

Mornings on the Mall 09.27.19 / Lori Graf, Ken Cuccinelli, Dr. Chris Rodriguez, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich, Larry Michael

Mornings on the Mall Friday, September 27, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter  Lori Graf, Ken Cuccinelli, DC Homeland Security’s Chris Rodriguez, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich and Larry Michael joined WMAL on Friday morning!  5am – A/B/C WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS: The whistleblower complaint that touched off a political firestorm in Washington…Read more

Mornings on the Mall 09.26.19 / Cal Thomas, Bob Barr, Hans Von Spakovsky, Sean Davis, NORML’s Tyler McFadden

Mornings on the Mall 09.26.19 / Cal Thomas, Bob Barr, Hans Von Spakovsky, Sean Davis, NORML’s Tyler McFadden

Mornings on the Mall Thursday, September 26, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Cal Thomas, Bob Barr, Hans Von Spakovsky, Sean Davis and NORML’s Tyler McFadden joined WMAL on Thursday morning!   5am – A/B/C Trump Phone Call Transcript Appears To Undercut Two ‘Bombshell’ Reports About Whistleblower Complaint. The Washington…Read more

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Category Archives: Mornings on the Mall Interviews

Mornings on the Mall 10.08.19 / Jonathan Morris, Gen. Jack Keane, Eli Lake, MEP Alexandra Phillips

Mornings on the Mall 10.08.19 / Jonathan Morris, Gen. Jack Keane, Eli Lake, MEP Alexandra Phillips

Mornings on the Mall Tuesday, October 8, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Jonathan Morris, Gen. Jack Keane, Eli Lake and MEP Alexandra Phillips joined WMAL on Tuesday!   5am – A/B/C President Trump is defending his decision to pull U.S. troops out of northern Syria as Turkey prepares an…Continue Reading

LISTEN: Brexit Party MEP ALEXANDRA PHILLIPS Joined WMAL To Explain The Importance Of Brexit For The U.K. And The U.S.

LISTEN: Brexit Party MEP ALEXANDRA PHILLIPS Joined WMAL To Explain The Importance Of Brexit For The U.K. And The U.S.

INTERVIEW – ALEXANDRA PHILLIPS is a member of the European Parliament and a rising star of Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. She is a former Nigel Farage’s chief of staff for more than a decade and is a former BBC journalist. Twitter @BrexitAlex What next as UK and EU seek last-minute Brexit deal. LONDON (AP) —…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 10.07.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Andrew McCarthy

Mornings on the Mall 10.07.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Andrew McCarthy

Mornings on the Mall Monday, October 7, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Legal analyst Joe diGenova, WMAL’s Redskins Analyst Trevor Matich and Andrew McCarthy joined WMAL on Monday!   5am – A/B/C Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 9 Things. 5am – D        …Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 10.04.19 / Fred Fleitz, Larry Michael, Jerome Hudson, Christian Toto

Mornings on the Mall 10.04.19 / Fred Fleitz, Larry Michael, Jerome Hudson, Christian Toto

Mornings on the Mall Friday, October 4, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Fred Fleitz, Larry Michael, Jerome Hudson and Christian Toto joined WMAL on Friday!   5am – A/B/C What Should The GOP Strategy Be For Taking On The Impeachment Push? Rep. McCarthy: Remove Schiff from Intel Committee due…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 10.03.19 / Ken Cuccinelli, Amber Athey, Carol Maloney, Susan Ferrechio

Mornings on the Mall 10.03.19 / Ken Cuccinelli, Amber Athey, Carol Maloney, Susan Ferrechio

Mornings on the Mall Thursday, October 3, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Ken Cuccinelli, Amber Athey, Carol Maloney and Susan Ferrechio joined WMAL on Thursday!   5am – A/B/C Bernie Sanders, 78, is canceling campaign events until further notice after having heart surgery. (CBS News) – Leading Democratic presidential…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 10.02.19 / Cal Thomas, Mark Krikorian, Grover Norquist, Scott Allen

Mornings on the Mall 10.02.19 / Cal Thomas, Mark Krikorian, Grover Norquist, Scott Allen

Mornings on the Mall Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Cal Thomas, Mark Krikorian, Grover Norquist and Scott Allen joined WMAL joined WMAL on Wednesday!   5am – A/B/C Here’s what happened in another wild day of the Trump-Ukraine scandal: NY TIMES: Administration and Congress Clash Over…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 10.01.19 / Newt Gingrich, Tom Fitton, Wilfred Reilly, John Solomon

Mornings on the Mall 10.01.19 / Newt Gingrich, Tom Fitton, Wilfred Reilly, John Solomon

Mornings on the Mall Tuesday, October 1, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Newt Gingrich, Tom Fitton, Wilfred Reilly and John Solomon joined WMAL on Tuesday morning!   5am – A/B/C AG Barr asked Trump to speak to other countries in probe of Russia investigation, official says; source pushes back…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 09.30.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Firas Nasr, Sean Davis

Mornings on the Mall 09.30.19 / Joe diGenova, Trevor Matich, Firas Nasr, Sean Davis

Mornings on the Mall Monday, September 30, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Legal analyst Joe diGenova, WMAL’s Redskins Analyst Trevor Matich, Twerking climate protester Firas Nasr and The Federalist’s Sean Davis joined WMAL on Monday!   5am – A/B/C President Trump Wants To Face His Accuser: “Like every American,…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 09.27.19 / Lori Graf, Ken Cuccinelli, Dr. Chris Rodriguez, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich, Larry Michael

Mornings on the Mall 09.27.19 / Lori Graf, Ken Cuccinelli, Dr. Chris Rodriguez, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich, Larry Michael

Mornings on the Mall Friday, September 27, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter  Lori Graf, Ken Cuccinelli, DC Homeland Security’s Chris Rodriguez, Dan Bongino, Newt Gingrich and Larry Michael joined WMAL on Friday morning!  5am – A/B/C WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS: The whistleblower complaint that touched off a political firestorm in Washington…Continue Reading

Mornings on the Mall 09.26.19 / Cal Thomas, Bob Barr, Hans Von Spakovsky, Sean Davis, NORML’s Tyler McFadden

Mornings on the Mall 09.26.19 / Cal Thomas, Bob Barr, Hans Von Spakovsky, Sean Davis, NORML’s Tyler McFadden

Mornings on the Mall Thursday, September 26, 2019 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Cal Thomas, Bob Barr, Hans Von Spakovsky, Sean Davis and NORML’s Tyler McFadden joined WMAL on Thursday morning!   5am – A/B/C Trump Phone Call Transcript Appears To Undercut Two ‘Bombshell’ Reports About Whistleblower Complaint. The Washington…Continue Reading


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