Mornings on the Mall 06.12.20 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Guests: WaPo’s Dana Hedgpeth, Tom Fitton, Julio Rosas in Seattle and Bret Baier 5-A WORRY TROLLING OF SECOND WAVE OF CORONAVIRUS: Two hairstylists who had coronavirus saw 140 clients. No new infections have been linked to the salon, officials say No cases of coronavirus…… Read more
Mornings on the Mall 06.13.20 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Guests: ReOpen MoCo’s Erik Tammaru, Daily Caller’s Christian Datoc, Reason’s Robby Soave, Gen. Jack Keane, VCDL’s Philip Van Cleave 5-A/B/C — SEATTLE’S AUTONOMOUS ZONE: – Seattle protesters storm City Hall, demand mayor resign after driving police out of area, declaring…… Read more
Mornings on the Mall 06.10.20 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Guests: Cal Thomas, Newt Gingrich, Dr. David Samadi, MoCo Councilmember Will Jawando, White House’s Ja’Ron Smith 5-A — UCLA PROFESSOR SUSPENDED FOR NOT EXEMPTING BLACK STUDENTS FROM FINAL EXAMS UCLA PROFESSOR SUSPENDED/UNDER POLICE PROTECTION A California college professor reportedly is…… Read more
Mornings on the Mall Tuesday, June 9, 2020 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Guests: Clayton Neville, Susan Ferrechio, David Murray, Kevin Hassett 5-A/B/C — CORONAVIRUS / WHO: ASYMPTOMATIC SPREAD IS RARE – Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says Coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of…… Read more
Mornings on the Mall 06.12.20 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Guests: WaPo’s Dana Hedgpeth, Tom Fitton, Julio Rosas in Seattle and Bret Baier 5-A WORRY TROLLING OF SECOND WAVE OF CORONAVIRUS: Two hairstylists who had coronavirus saw 140 clients. No new infections have been linked to the salon, officials say No cases of coronavirus…… Continue Reading
Mornings on the Mall 06.13.20 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Guests: ReOpen MoCo’s Erik Tammaru, Daily Caller’s Christian Datoc, Reason’s Robby Soave, Gen. Jack Keane, VCDL’s Philip Van Cleave 5-A/B/C — SEATTLE’S AUTONOMOUS ZONE: – Seattle protesters storm City Hall, demand mayor resign after driving police out of area, declaring…… Continue Reading
Mornings on the Mall 06.10.20 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Guests: Cal Thomas, Newt Gingrich, Dr. David Samadi, MoCo Councilmember Will Jawando, White House’s Ja’Ron Smith 5-A — UCLA PROFESSOR SUSPENDED FOR NOT EXEMPTING BLACK STUDENTS FROM FINAL EXAMS UCLA PROFESSOR SUSPENDED/UNDER POLICE PROTECTION A California college professor reportedly is…… Continue Reading
Mornings on the Mall Tuesday, June 9, 2020 Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese Executive Producer: Heather Hunter Guests: Clayton Neville, Susan Ferrechio, David Murray, Kevin Hassett 5-A/B/C — CORONAVIRUS / WHO: ASYMPTOMATIC SPREAD IS RARE – Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says Coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of…… Continue Reading