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Category Archives: Morning Show Must Clicks

PHOTO: Would You Prefer A Diamond Piercing Over An Engagement Ring?

PHOTO: Would You Prefer A Diamond Piercing Over An Engagement Ring?

A piercing idea for me and my girlfriend instead of the basic ring idea for an engagement that we're getting in a few weeks. #love #guyswithpiercings #guyswithtattoos #guyswithplugs #guyswithgauges #girlswithtattoos #dermal #piercings #engagement #engagementpiercing #engagementring #implants #metal #lasvegas #alternative #crazy #pain #fiance #futurewife #creaturesofthenight #inlove A post shared by Stasis (@wilstasis) on Dec 4, 2017…Read more

LISTEN: REP. DON BACON Explained The STOP School Violence Act Of 2018

LISTEN: REP. DON BACON Explained The STOP School Violence Act Of 2018

INTERVIEW – REP. DON BACON  (R-Neb.). – discussed his efforts in Congress to advance the H.R. 4909: STOP School Violence Act of 2018 and his opinion on the different ways that Congress could act to address violence in schools Congress will vote THIS WEEK on a bill that hopes to fill in a piece of…Read more

LISTEN: Byron York Discussed The House Intel Committee Finding No Collusion

LISTEN: Byron York Discussed The House Intel Committee Finding No Collusion

INTERVIEW – BYRON YORK – the chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner – discussed his new piece about the House Intelligence Committee’s decision to end the Russian collusion probe House Republicans move to wrap up Russia probe, find no evidence of collusion. (Washington Examiner) — The House Intelligence Committee has released findings from its…Read more

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Category Archives: Morning Show Must Clicks

PHOTO: Would You Prefer A Diamond Piercing Over An Engagement Ring?

PHOTO: Would You Prefer A Diamond Piercing Over An Engagement Ring?

A piercing idea for me and my girlfriend instead of the basic ring idea for an engagement that we're getting in a few weeks. #love #guyswithpiercings #guyswithtattoos #guyswithplugs #guyswithgauges #girlswithtattoos #dermal #piercings #engagement #engagementpiercing #engagementring #implants #metal #lasvegas #alternative #crazy #pain #fiance #futurewife #creaturesofthenight #inlove A post shared by Stasis (@wilstasis) on Dec 4, 2017…Continue Reading

LISTEN: REP. DON BACON Explained The STOP School Violence Act Of 2018

LISTEN: REP. DON BACON Explained The STOP School Violence Act Of 2018

INTERVIEW – REP. DON BACON  (R-Neb.). – discussed his efforts in Congress to advance the H.R. 4909: STOP School Violence Act of 2018 and his opinion on the different ways that Congress could act to address violence in schools Congress will vote THIS WEEK on a bill that hopes to fill in a piece of…Continue Reading

LISTEN: LARRY KUDLOW Spoke With Trump Earlier This Week But Won’t Comment On Cohn Position

LISTEN: LARRY KUDLOW Spoke With Trump Earlier This Week But Won’t Comment On Cohn Position

INTERVIEW – LARRY KUDLOW –  – CNBC Senior Contributor and host of The Larry Kudlow Show on WMAL Saturdays at 7 pm and author of “JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity” @larry_kudlow – discussed the talk that he is a leading contender to replace Gary Cohn as President Trump’s Chief…Continue Reading

LISTEN: Byron York Discussed The House Intel Committee Finding No Collusion

LISTEN: Byron York Discussed The House Intel Committee Finding No Collusion

INTERVIEW – BYRON YORK – the chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner – discussed his new piece about the House Intelligence Committee’s decision to end the Russian collusion probe House Republicans move to wrap up Russia probe, find no evidence of collusion. (Washington Examiner) — The House Intelligence Committee has released findings from its…Continue Reading

LISTEN: JUSTIN DANHOF Calls On Joy Behar To Publicly Apologize For Her Comments Towards Christians

LISTEN: JUSTIN DANHOF Calls On Joy Behar To Publicly Apologize For Her Comments Towards Christians

INTERVIEW – JUSTIN DANHOF – is the General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center’s Free Enterprise Project – discussed his attempts to get Disney and Bob Iger to take action after Joy Behar’s incendiary comments about Christians and how conservatives should focus their efforts to…Continue Reading


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