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Category Archives: Morning Show Must Clicks

LISTEN: TREVOR MATICH on Redskins-Broncos Game: Adrian Peterson Was A Revelation But Most Of the Rest Of The Team Were Horrendous.

LISTEN: TREVOR MATICH on Redskins-Broncos Game: Adrian Peterson Was A Revelation But Most Of the Rest Of The Team Were Horrendous.

INTERVIEW – TREVOR MATICH – WMAL’s Redskins Analyst – recap Redskins game REDSKINS LOST: Denver Broncos 29 – 17 Washington Redskins Redskins call ugly defeat at hands of Broncos a ‘wake-up call’ Redskins HC Jay Gruden impressed with Adrian Peterson’s debut. Former Pro Bowl running back Adrian Peterson made his debut with the Washington Redskins…Read more

LISTEN: JOE DIGENOVA: Jeff Sessions Made A Number Of Mistakes Last Week. Investigating Past FBI And DOJ Misconduct Should Have Been Automatic For Sessions.

LISTEN: JOE DIGENOVA: Jeff Sessions Made A Number Of Mistakes Last Week. Investigating Past FBI And DOJ Misconduct Should Have Been Automatic For Sessions.

  INTERVIEW – JOE DIGENOVA – legal analyst and former US Attorney to the District of Columbia Senior DOJ staffer Bruce Ohr to testify before Congress on August 28th Trump steps up attacks on Sessions and hints his days as attorney general are numbered Attorney for Michael Cohen backs away from confidence that Cohen has…Read more

LISTEN: GORDON CHANG: I’m Surprised President Trump Canceled Sec. Pompeo’s Trip to North Korea So Early In the Process But It’s a Good Thing.

LISTEN: GORDON CHANG: I’m Surprised President Trump Canceled Sec. Pompeo’s Trip to North Korea So Early In the Process But It’s a Good Thing.

INTERVIEW – GORDON CHANG – Daily Beast columnist,  author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World” Trump cancels high-level North Korea visit by Pompeo. President Trump on Friday said he has asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to put off his planned visit to North Korea and…Read more

LISTEN: STEVE MOORE On Venezuela’s Economic Crisis: I Would Buy College Kids Who Love Socialism A One-Way To Caracas To See How It Is.

LISTEN: STEVE MOORE On Venezuela’s Economic Crisis: I Would Buy College Kids Who Love Socialism A One-Way To Caracas To See How It Is.

INTERVIEW – STEVE MOORE – Heritage Foundation economist TRUMP / STOCK MARKET: Pres. Trump claims the stock market would tank if the Democrats win control of Congress and move to impeach him. “I don’t know how you can impeach somebody who has done a great job” the president said Giuliani: Americans would ‘revolt’ if Trump…Read more

LISTEN: Cato’s MARIAN TUPY: The Government of South Africa Is Looking To Take Away Private Property Without Compensation And Redistribute It.

LISTEN: Cato’s MARIAN TUPY: The Government of South Africa Is Looking To Take Away Private Property Without Compensation And Redistribute It.

INTERVIEW – MARIAN TUPY – a senior policy analyst at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity at The Cato Institute. He specializes in globalization and global well-being, and the political economy of Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. Top US think-tank wants Donald Trump to act against ‘Zimbabwe-style’ land disaster in SA. A top US policy…Read more

LISTEN: ANN COULTER Talked About Her New Book “Resistance Is Futile!”

LISTEN: ANN COULTER Talked About Her New Book “Resistance Is Futile!”

INTERVIEW — ANN COULTER — bestselling author of “Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind”  — joined WMAL in studio to discuss her new book and the news of the day. “Resistance is Futile!” author @AnnCoulter is in studio with @TheDCVince & @MaryWalterRadio on @WMALDC. Check out Ann’s new book! https://t.co/1RYTZelhGE…Read more

LISTEN: SUSAN FERRECHIO: It’s Been Suggested That Duncan Hunter’s Indictment Is Politically Motivated Because They Waited Until It Was Too Late To Substitute Another Republican On The Ballot

LISTEN: SUSAN FERRECHIO: It’s Been Suggested That Duncan Hunter’s Indictment Is Politically Motivated Because They Waited Until It Was Too Late To Substitute Another Republican On The Ballot

INTERVIEW — SUSAN FERRECHIO – chief congressional correspondent for the Washington Examiner. @susanferrechio – discussed the Dems pushing to postpone Kavanaugh hearings, Impeachment talk and Duncan Hunter’s indictment impact Republican House majority Senate Democrats are trying to use Cohen’s guilty plea to delay SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process The White House is rejecting calls…Read more

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Category Archives: Morning Show Must Clicks

LISTEN: TREVOR MATICH on Redskins-Broncos Game: Adrian Peterson Was A Revelation But Most Of the Rest Of The Team Were Horrendous.

LISTEN: TREVOR MATICH on Redskins-Broncos Game: Adrian Peterson Was A Revelation But Most Of the Rest Of The Team Were Horrendous.

INTERVIEW – TREVOR MATICH – WMAL’s Redskins Analyst – recap Redskins game REDSKINS LOST: Denver Broncos 29 – 17 Washington Redskins Redskins call ugly defeat at hands of Broncos a ‘wake-up call’ Redskins HC Jay Gruden impressed with Adrian Peterson’s debut. Former Pro Bowl running back Adrian Peterson made his debut with the Washington Redskins…Continue Reading

LISTEN: JOE DIGENOVA: Jeff Sessions Made A Number Of Mistakes Last Week. Investigating Past FBI And DOJ Misconduct Should Have Been Automatic For Sessions.

LISTEN: JOE DIGENOVA: Jeff Sessions Made A Number Of Mistakes Last Week. Investigating Past FBI And DOJ Misconduct Should Have Been Automatic For Sessions.

  INTERVIEW – JOE DIGENOVA – legal analyst and former US Attorney to the District of Columbia Senior DOJ staffer Bruce Ohr to testify before Congress on August 28th Trump steps up attacks on Sessions and hints his days as attorney general are numbered Attorney for Michael Cohen backs away from confidence that Cohen has…Continue Reading

LISTEN: GORDON CHANG: I’m Surprised President Trump Canceled Sec. Pompeo’s Trip to North Korea So Early In the Process But It’s a Good Thing.

LISTEN: GORDON CHANG: I’m Surprised President Trump Canceled Sec. Pompeo’s Trip to North Korea So Early In the Process But It’s a Good Thing.

INTERVIEW – GORDON CHANG – Daily Beast columnist,  author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World” Trump cancels high-level North Korea visit by Pompeo. President Trump on Friday said he has asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to put off his planned visit to North Korea and…Continue Reading

LISTEN: BRET BAIER: Impeachment Seems Like The Thing To Talk About And Is Part Of The Narrative. It’s Coming To A Head.

LISTEN: BRET BAIER: Impeachment Seems Like The Thing To Talk About And Is Part Of The Narrative. It’s Coming To A Head.

INTERVIEW — BRET BAIER – Anchor, Special Report, Fox News Channel, weeknights at 6 PM and author of Three Days in Moscow: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the Soviet Empire” @BretBaier — recapped the top stories of the week.Continue Reading

LISTEN: STEVE MOORE On Venezuela’s Economic Crisis: I Would Buy College Kids Who Love Socialism A One-Way To Caracas To See How It Is.

LISTEN: STEVE MOORE On Venezuela’s Economic Crisis: I Would Buy College Kids Who Love Socialism A One-Way To Caracas To See How It Is.

INTERVIEW – STEVE MOORE – Heritage Foundation economist TRUMP / STOCK MARKET: Pres. Trump claims the stock market would tank if the Democrats win control of Congress and move to impeach him. “I don’t know how you can impeach somebody who has done a great job” the president said Giuliani: Americans would ‘revolt’ if Trump…Continue Reading

LISTEN: LARRY MICHAEL Previews What To Watch For In Tonight’s Redskins-Broncos Preseason Game

LISTEN: LARRY MICHAEL Previews What To Watch For In Tonight’s Redskins-Broncos Preseason Game

INTERVIEW – LARRY MICHAEL – The Voice of The Redskins (in studio) Redskins-Broncos: What To Watch For, Preseason Week 3 Denver Broncos @ Washington Redskins tonight @ 7:30 PM Washington Post: Redskins get serious ahead of their third preseason game, Adrian Peterson’s debut. Redskins Park had a different vibe this week, even if the team…Continue Reading

LISTEN: Cato’s MARIAN TUPY: The Government of South Africa Is Looking To Take Away Private Property Without Compensation And Redistribute It.

LISTEN: Cato’s MARIAN TUPY: The Government of South Africa Is Looking To Take Away Private Property Without Compensation And Redistribute It.

INTERVIEW – MARIAN TUPY – a senior policy analyst at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity at The Cato Institute. He specializes in globalization and global well-being, and the political economy of Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. Top US think-tank wants Donald Trump to act against ‘Zimbabwe-style’ land disaster in SA. A top US policy…Continue Reading

LISTEN: ANN COULTER Talked About Her New Book “Resistance Is Futile!”

LISTEN: ANN COULTER Talked About Her New Book “Resistance Is Futile!”

INTERVIEW — ANN COULTER — bestselling author of “Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind”  — joined WMAL in studio to discuss her new book and the news of the day. “Resistance is Futile!” author @AnnCoulter is in studio with @TheDCVince & @MaryWalterRadio on @WMALDC. Check out Ann’s new book! https://t.co/1RYTZelhGE…Continue Reading

LISTEN: SUSAN FERRECHIO: It’s Been Suggested That Duncan Hunter’s Indictment Is Politically Motivated Because They Waited Until It Was Too Late To Substitute Another Republican On The Ballot

LISTEN: SUSAN FERRECHIO: It’s Been Suggested That Duncan Hunter’s Indictment Is Politically Motivated Because They Waited Until It Was Too Late To Substitute Another Republican On The Ballot

INTERVIEW — SUSAN FERRECHIO – chief congressional correspondent for the Washington Examiner. @susanferrechio – discussed the Dems pushing to postpone Kavanaugh hearings, Impeachment talk and Duncan Hunter’s indictment impact Republican House majority Senate Democrats are trying to use Cohen’s guilty plea to delay SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process The White House is rejecting calls…Continue Reading


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