Category Archives: Local News

House Committee Reaches Deal to Get Trump Financial Records

House Committee Reaches Deal to Get Trump Financial Records

A House committee seeking financial records from former President Donald Trump has reached an agreement that ends litigation on the matter and requires an accounting firm to turn over some of the material, the panel’s leader announced Thursday.Read more

Maryland Court Rules DC-Area Sniper to be Resentenced

Maryland Court Rules DC-Area Sniper to be Resentenced

Maryland’s highest court has ruled that Washington, D.C.-area sniper Lee Boyd Malvo must be resentenced, because of U.S. Supreme Court decisions relating to constitutional protections for juveniles made after Malvo was sentenced to six life sentences without the possibility of paroleRead more

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Weighs Response to Ethics Complaints

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Weighs Response to Ethics Complaints

A South Dakota ethics board’s finding that Gov. Kristi Noem may have engaged in misconduct by intervening in her daughter’s application for a real estate appraiser license isn’t likely the last word on the matter. But exactly how much more comes out on the episode may be up to the Republican governor herself.Read more

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Category Archives: Local News

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Weighs Response to Ethics Complaints

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Weighs Response to Ethics Complaints

A South Dakota ethics board’s finding that Gov. Kristi Noem may have engaged in misconduct by intervening in her daughter’s application for a real estate appraiser license isn’t likely the last word on the matter. But exactly how much more comes out on the episode may be up to the Republican governor herself.Continue Reading


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