Category Archives: Larry Interviews

Interviews from The Larry O’Connor Show

#LarryOQuestion: How Much Time Do You Spend Reprogramming Your Child?

#LarryOQuestion: How Much Time Do You Spend Reprogramming Your Child?

Students around the nation participated in a school walkout following the Parkland Shooting. The students are calling for stricter gun-control legislation. Did you talk to your child about the walkout? Do you spend time reprogramming your child from what he or she has learned at schools about issues such as the second amendment? Share your thoughts on The Larry O’Connor Show. Read more

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Category Archives: Larry Interviews

Interviews from The Larry O’Connor Show

#LarryOQuestion: How Much Time Do You Spend Reprogramming Your Child?

#LarryOQuestion: How Much Time Do You Spend Reprogramming Your Child?

Students around the nation participated in a school walkout following the Parkland Shooting. The students are calling for stricter gun-control legislation. Did you talk to your child about the walkout? Do you spend time reprogramming your child from what he or she has learned at schools about issues such as the second amendment? Share your thoughts on The Larry O’Connor Show. Continue Reading


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