Category Archives: Larry Interviews

Interviews from The Larry O’Connor Show

‘Trump TV’ Isn’t Even Close To Obama’s White House Propaganda

‘Trump TV’ Isn’t Even Close To Obama’s White House Propaganda

All the hand-wringing over the “Trump TV” is pretty amusing considering the ham-handed social media video is clearly a campaign product designed to emphasize positive news from the White House that may not be reported on mainstream media outlets and clearly not an attempt to fool viewers that the content is a journalistic endeavor.Read more

#LarryOQuestion: Do You Encourage Your Children to Pursue a Career in the Arts?

#LarryOQuestion: Do You Encourage Your Children to Pursue a Career in the Arts?

Larry O’Connor was a featured speaker at the Young America Foundation’s 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference. During his speech, Larry encouraged the students to positively influence their communities, outside of Washington, D.C. Do you encourage your students to pursue careers in the arts? Share your thoughts today on The Larry O’Connor Show. Read more

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Category Archives: Larry Interviews

Interviews from The Larry O’Connor Show

‘Trump TV’ Isn’t Even Close To Obama’s White House Propaganda

‘Trump TV’ Isn’t Even Close To Obama’s White House Propaganda

All the hand-wringing over the “Trump TV” is pretty amusing considering the ham-handed social media video is clearly a campaign product designed to emphasize positive news from the White House that may not be reported on mainstream media outlets and clearly not an attempt to fool viewers that the content is a journalistic endeavor.Continue Reading

#LarryOQuestion: Do You Encourage Your Children to Pursue a Career in the Arts?

#LarryOQuestion: Do You Encourage Your Children to Pursue a Career in the Arts?

Larry O’Connor was a featured speaker at the Young America Foundation’s 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference. During his speech, Larry encouraged the students to positively influence their communities, outside of Washington, D.C. Do you encourage your students to pursue careers in the arts? Share your thoughts today on The Larry O’Connor Show. Continue Reading


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