Category Archives: Plante clips

Plante Clips | September 13, 2023

Chris Plante Show stories list: Biden is still the worst, crime still illegal, child porn in schools, Iran hostage swap, CIA stories, Pelosi storiesRead more

Plante Clips | September 11, 2023

Chris Plante Show stories list: Biden is still the worst president, crime stories, Virginia parent stories, LGBTQQIAA++ stories, gun stories, migrant stories, gun safes…Read more

Plante Clips | September 5, 2023

Chris Plante Show stories list: Biden still sucks, Trump stories, China stories, migrant stories, crime stories, and important weekend stories…Read more

Plante Clips | August 31, 2023

Chris Plante Show stories list: Biden is America’s shame, hurricane stories, the broken turtle, Trump stories, crime stories, migrants, school stories, and other big news of the day Read more

Plante Clips | August 28, 2023

Chris Plante Show stories list: Biden continues to suck, inflation, Trump stories, crime stories, paper straws and the weather…Read more

Plante Clips | August 23, 2023

Chris Plante stories list: Biden is still corrupt, car prices under Biden, Trump stories, crime stories, border states like New York, the weather and whales, COVIDIOTS, & other big important stories of the day. Read more

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Category Archives: Plante clips

Plante Clips | August 31, 2023

Chris Plante Show stories list: Biden is America’s shame, hurricane stories, the broken turtle, Trump stories, crime stories, migrants, school stories, and other big news of the day Continue Reading

Plante Clips | August 23, 2023

Chris Plante stories list: Biden is still corrupt, car prices under Biden, Trump stories, crime stories, border states like New York, the weather and whales, COVIDIOTS, & other big important stories of the day. Continue Reading


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