Derek Hunter with Brian Darling on The Larry O’Connor Show 11.23.18

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out topics from the program below:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign shoes to join museum exhibition (CNN)

New York congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she won her seat in the US House of Representatives because of all the doors she knocked on.
And she’s got her shoes to prove it. [Read More]

Native Americans mark Thanksgiving with day of mourning (MSN)

Thanksgiving is nothing to celebrate for Native Americans, who are gathering in the town where the Pilgrims settled for a solemn National Day of Mourning observance.

Thursday’s noon gathering in downtown Plymouth, Massachusetts, will recall the disease, racism and oppression that the European settlers brought.

It’s the 49th year that the United American Indians of New England have organized the event on Thanksgiving Day. [Read More]

This chest-mounted robot feeding arm could stuff your face when you’re too full to move (The Verge)

For those celebrating Thanksgiving today, at some point there will come a time where you is simply too full to move. At this point, the sensible action is to sleep it off before rising later in the day, groggy and disorientated, for a second gorging. But what if technology could help? What if, instead of succumbing to your turkey stupor, some sort of chest-mounted robot arm could lob sweet treats into your open mouth? What a world that would be.

We’ve not reached this gravy-soaked utopia yet, but researchers from Australia and India have taken us one step closer with “Arm-A-Dine” — a robot arm worn in the middle of the chest that picks food up off the table and conveys it to you or your dining partner’s mouth. [Read More]

Dimming the sun: The answer to global warming? (CNN)

Scientists are proposing an ingenious but as-yet-unproven way to tackle climate change: spraying sun-dimming chemicals into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The research by scientists at Harvard and Yale universities, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, proposes using a technique known as stratospheric aerosol injection, which they say could cut the rate of global warming in half.
The technique would involve spraying large amounts of sulfate particles into the Earth’s lower stratosphere at altitudes as high as 12 miles. The scientists propose delivering the sulfates with specially designed high-altitude aircraft, balloons or large naval-style guns. [Read More]

‘Charlie Brown Thanksgiving’ Viewers Upset by “Racist” Scene (Comic Book)

Tonight, ABC aired the classic animated Peanuts special A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and while many fans tuned in for the warmth of nostalgia to kick off their holiday season, many came away with a less than fuzzy feeling when it came to how one specific character was treated.

The special centers around a somewhat impromptu holiday meal that happens when Peppermint Patty invites herself and several others over to Charlie Brown and Sally’s house for Thanksgiving despite the fact that they’re preparing to go to their grandmother’s for the feast. After a little help from Linus, who convinces Charlie they can have two Thanksgivings, as well as Woodstock and Snoopy who do the cooking, a friends’ Thanksgiving is on. [Read More]

Tiger vs. Phil: Where does the money go? (ESPN)

By now, you’ve heard about Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson playing their big-time match in Las Vegas the day after Thanksgiving. You’ve likely heard some of the stakes, too: a $9 million pot, plus more on the side. But where does that money go? When someone wins, who gets to keep the money?


Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are playing for $9 million dollars in a winner-take-all match play format. That will be the bulk of the money on the table during Friday’s match. That money is not being put up by the players themselves but by sponsors. [Read More]

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