Floreen Up Against Deadline For County Executive Nomination

Heather Curtis

WASHINGTON (WMAL) – Montgomery County Council member Nancy Floreen’s up against a deadline in her run for county executive. Floreen has until the close of business Monday to submit a petition to run as an independent in November’s election for Montgomery County executive. She needs the signatures of more than 7,000 registered voters to get her name on the ballot.

Sunday she told WMAL she has gotten a “tremendous” amount of signatures so far but declined to say how many.

Republican candidate Robin Ficker has signed her petition. There’s no word on whether Democratic candidate Marc Elrich has done the same.

The long-time Democrat switched her affiliation to independent last month.

She said in a statement in July she is determined to give Montgomery County a third, independent choice for county executive.

Copyright 2018 by WMAL.com. All Rights Reserved. (Photo: Nancy Floreen)

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