Brandon Darby, Tony Campbell, Spencer Brown & L. Brent Bozell on The Larry O’Connor Show 07.05.18

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out Larry’s interviews and topics below:

Trump’s ICE Director Helped Author Obama’s Immigration Priorities and Executive Orders, Praised Them (Breitbart)

The Obama-holdover chosen by DHS Secretary John Kelly to direct Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for the Trump Administration helped author Obama’s controversial immigration priorities and executive orders, and he also publicly praised them. Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan made the comments on video shortly before the 2016 presidential election at a time when most thought Hillary Clinton would win, but Donald Trump won and now Homan claims to be an immigration hawk.

Trump’s campaign largely centered around opposing former President Barack Obama’s executive orders on immigration and the release of criminal illegal aliens into U.S. communities. Acting ICE Director Homan was the Enforcement and Removal Director (ERO) for President Obama and even received an elite award from the former president for his efforts on immigration. Homan has come under fire from the ICE Council for being Obama’s official who oversaw Obama’s release of tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens into the U.S. [Read More]

Matt Schlapp: With Brett Kavanaugh, America will have a bold, brilliant Supreme Court justice (The Hill)

For believers in the original meaning of the Constitution, the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy is a special yet perilous moment. For nearly 70 years, Republican presidents have committed repeated unforced errors when it came to making Supreme Court nominations. President Trumpowes his successful capture of the GOP nomination in part to his covenant with conservatives that he would appoint only devoted constitutionalists to the nation’s highest court.

In dramatic fashion, Trump upped the ante by agreeing to pick from a list that would be made public for all to see, vet and scrutinize. It was as if James Madison was learning the “Art of the Deal”. It was equal parts political genius and a public change in strategy for a Constitution badly in need of restoration. And it helped ensure the eventual elevation of Justice Neil Gorsuch, who became the majority-making fifth vote in historic cases this term. [Read More]

Scott Pruitt resigns as EPA chief, Trump announces (Fox News)

Scott Pruitt has resigned as head of the Environmental Protection Agency after a string of controversies involving his leadership, President Trump announced Thursday on Twitter.

“Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this,” tweeted Trump, who added that EPA Deputy Administrator Andrew Wheeler would take over as acting administrator effective Monday. [Read More]

Students sue UMN for banishing Ben Shapiro to St. Paul (Campus Reform)

Two conservative student organizations and author Ben Shapiro are suing the University of Minnesota for allegedly “banishing [a] conservative event to [an] inadequate venue.”

The lawsuit was announced Tuesday by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), an advocacy organization that will represent Shapiro, Young America’s Foundation (YAF), and Students for a Conservative Voice (SCV) in federal court.

“Administrators’ discriminatory treatment of conservatives…was a result of administrators’ disagreement with the viewpoint of Shapiro’s speech.”

According to ADF’s press release, the complaint was filed after university officials “suppressed and censored conservative viewpoints using its ‘Large Scale Events Policy’” in late February by relegating the event to a distant venue with a limited capacity. [Read More]

You’re probably washing your hands all wrong, study says (CNN)

Hand-washing seems pretty simple, but a recent study shows that 97% of the time, we’re still doing it wrong — which can lead to contamination of food and surfaces and result in foodborne illness.

The study from the US Department of Agriculture shows most consumers failed to wash their hands and rub with soap for 20 seconds. That’s the amount of time recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which says that washing for shorter periods means fewer germs are removed.
“Numerous” study participants also didn’t dry their hands with a clean towel. [Read More]

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