LISTEN: Red Maryland’s Greg Kline Previewed Today’s Primaries In Maryland

INTERVIEW – GREG KLINE – RED MARYLAND – co-founder of “Red Maryland”, a popular conservative blog about Republican politics in the Free State of Maryland. KLINE is also an attorney in Maryland @RedMaryland @GregoryKline

  • The 2018 Maryland gubernatorial primaries are June 26 and the election is November 6. Maryland voters heading to the polls face potential ballot overload, as they weigh in on the governor’s race, U.S. House and Senate seat contests and crowded local races in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. At the top of the ticket, several Democrats are aiming to challenge Gov. Larry Hogan, the popular Republican governor in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1. In addition, veteran Sen. Ben Cardin faces an upstart, and eight Democrats and four Republicans are vying for an open House seat in a western Maryland district that’s currently the subject of a contentious Supreme Court battle over gerrymandering. Further down the ballot, voters are weighing in on House of Delegate and state Senate seats. And at the local level, voters in Montgomery County will sift through nearly three dozen candidates for four at-large seats on the County Council in addition to a closely watched six-person contest for succeeding long-serving County Executive Ike Leggett. In Prince George’s County, voters will make their selections in the hard-fought race for county executive and County Council seats.
    • REPUBLICANS: Gov. Larry Hogan (incumbent)
    • Prince George’s Co. Executive Rushern Baker  
    • Baltimore Co. Teacher Ralph Jaffe
    • Former NAACP President Ben Jealous
    • Business owner James Hugh Jones II
    • Md. State Sen. Rich Madaleno
    • Author Alec Ross
    • Attorney Jim Shea
    • Former State Dept’s Krish Vignarajah


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