Larry O’Connor’s Daily Radar Report 05.23.18

Curious about today’s topics on The Larry O’Connor Show? Below are a few stories on the radar. Be sure to listen to The Larry O’Connor Show Monday – Friday 3pm – 6pm on WMAL.

The Collapse of the Collusion Narrative (National Review)

It is now clear that Russian attempts at interference in the 2016 election, though somewhat outrageous, were ineffectual, unconnected with any particular party, a small effort given what a country of Russia’s resources and taste for political skullduggery and chicanery is capable of, and minor compared with the influence many countries, including the United States, have sometimes exercised in the elections of other countries. No serious person could find anything in the conduct of the president that could be construed as obstruction of justice, the all-purpose catch-all of American prosecutors, who can conjure that charge from the most mundane acts. [Read More]

Court sides with transgender Va. student in his fight to use the boys’ bathroom (The Washington Post)

A federal judge in Virginia sided Tuesday with a transgender teenager who spent most of his high school years fighting to use the boys’ bathroom, ruling that school officials violated his constitutional rights.

Gavin Grimm sued the Gloucester County School Board after it barred him from the boys’ bathroom. The case made Grimm, now a 19-year-old activist in Berkeley, Calif., the face of a national fight for transgender student rights and ascended to the Supreme Court. [Read More]

Propel School Parents Upset Over ‘Graphic’ Sex Ed Lesson In 7th Grade Science Class (CBS Pittsburg)

Parents of some seventh grade students at Propel Charter School’s Hazelwood site say a science teacher has crossed the line line between what’s appropriate and what’s not. [Read More]

It’s Time To Admit The Russia Investigation Was Illegitimate From The Start (The Federalist)

In the last week, as revelation upon revelation hit that Obama administration officials and career employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) spied on the Donald Trump campaign in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, the mainstream media, the Left, and Never Trump Republicans have fallen back on three ready responses.

A solid plurality of this contingent continue to avert their eyes from the facts and dismiss the claims of misconduct as peddled by tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists. There is not much you can say to this faction, because they refuse to consider the proof. [Read More]

NFL Rule Proposal: 15-Yard Penalty for Kneeling During National Anthem (Daily Wire)

NFL owners are reportedly considering whether to institute a new deterrent for players who decide they’d rather kneel than stand during the national anthem: A 15-yard penalty against the offending team.

During a meeting Tuesday with the owners, the league bandied the idea about after it was suggested. The discussion comes after then-San Francisco quarterback began kneeling during the anthem in the 2016-2017 NFL season to protest police brutality. Last year, even more NFL players knelt during the anthem, and the issue echoed around the country, even drawing condemnation from President Trump. [Read More]

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