LISTEN: MOLLIE HEMINGWAY of The Federalist Shares Her Thoughts on EPA Scott Pruitt, The Atlantic Firing Kevin Williamson & More

Listen as Larry spoke with Mollie Hemingway, a senior editor at The Federalist, about EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, The Atlantic firing Kevin Williamson and more.

Scott Pruitt Is Trump’s Biggest Asset. That’s Why The Left Wants Him Gone

After Donald Trump, the individual in DC with the biggest target on his back is Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. When he was attorney general of Oklahoma, he sued the EPA more than a dozen times to get the powerful regulatory agency to stay within its legal authority. His nomination was deeply concerning to radical environmentalists inside and outside the media. As a result, he and his team have been under a microscope since even before his confirmation in early 2017.

Well-funded environmental groups, many with former EPA staffers, deluge the agency with FOIA requests to catch someone in a scandal. Unlike how they covered Obama-era EPA administrators, media outlets constantly request information about everything Pruitt does, from his schedule to his travel particulars. Whipped-up partisans have made unprecedented numbers of death threats against him and his family. Powerful liberals opine against him. [Read More]

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