Tick Season is Just Around the Corner

NEW YORK — Spring might be off to a chilly start, but with warm weather around the corner.

Scientists who are studying and testing ticks say the best cure for Lyme disease is prevention.

Last year was an abnormally high tick season, where scientists tested roughly 5,700 ticks. Usually, it’s around 3,000.

Experts say right now it doesn’t appear this season will be as bad as last year, where 50 percent of the ticks tested were infected with Lyme or another disease.

“You’re going to look at your landscape, try to make it, think about the woods as your tick zone, where your highest risk is, but you also have to think about things like ground cover, leaf litter, think shade cover, stone walls are essentially mouse hotels, those are all your risk factors,” Kirby Stafford, of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

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