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LISTEN: JOHN LOTT of The Crime Prevention Research Center Shuts Down the Media’s Anti-Gun Narrative

Listen as Larry spoke with John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center , regarding his article, In anti-gun fever, media misses some crucial facts.

In anti-gun fever, media misses some crucial facts (The Hill)

Gun control advocates often bank on scaring people into supporting their agenda. That’s how they’re fighting a “reciprocity” bill that requires concealed handgun permits to be honored in all 50 states — just like driver’s licenses. The scaremongering was on full display last Sunday, in CBS News’ “60 Minutes” lead segment by Steve Kroft on the dangers of concealed carry.

It comes at a strange time considering Wednesday’s Florida high schoolattack, where 17 people died in a “gun-free” zone. For that matter, all mass public shootings in Florida have been in places where general citizens weren’t allowed to defend themselves, and since 1950, over 98 percent of mass public shootings in the U.S. have occurred in these gun-free zones. [Read More]

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