Michael Moore Calls For Repeal of Second Amendment

Larry’s latest daily column at Mediaite focuses on Michael Moore’s recent call for a repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Say what you will about Moore and his commie leanings, at least on this issue he has more intellectual honesty and political courage than any elected Democrat in Washington right now. You know they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment, they just don’t have the cajones to admit it.

As controversial and radical as these ideas may be to most Americans who have a fundamental understanding of our right to keep and bear arms (not to mention a fundamental understanding of firearms at all) Moore deserves some modicum of praise. Given recent Supreme Court decisions with regard to the Second Amendment and even President Barack Obama‘s concession that the Second Amendment is a “personal right” and not solely confined to an organized militia, Moore at least has the political courage and intellectual honesty to publicly announce the only real solution to the current political divide over guns.

As much as elected officials and well-funded advocacy groups wish to push for stricter gun control laws, the only way they will be able to really achieve their goals and stay within the confines of the rights each American enjoys and the constitution protects is to go through the process of amending the constitution.

It’s not easy. It takes a lot of hard work and persuasion and political wrangling. But, that’s what is needed to change a fundamental construct of our society and to remove a fundamental right that each American has enjoyed since our founding. At least Moore recognizes that truth and has put himself out there with a proposal. Will Democrats who hold public office have the courage to do the same?

Read the rest of the column at Mediaite.

Photo Credit – CNN
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