Trial To Determine Whether Tax Hike In P.G. Violates County Charter

Heather Curtis

WASHINGTON (WMAL) – A trial will be held in Maryland Circuit Court in December to determine if a 2015 property tax increase in Prince George’s County violates the county charter.

“The charter right now, as we understand it, requires that a tax increase go to a referendum,” said Jim Wass who filed the lawsuit along with Fred Prince Jr.

Wass said the 4 cent (per $100 of value) property tax increase that went into effect in July 1, 2015 never went before citizens for a vote.

Ideally, Wass said they want a refund and would like the tax increase be reversed. If the tax increase stays, Wass and Prince Jr. want it to be put to referendum so the people can weigh in.

“We simply want the county to just follow what the charter says,” said Tamara Davis Brown who is not involved in the lawsuit but is a member of the Prince George’s County Tax Watch group along with Wass and Prince.

No matter what the ruling, Wass expects an appeal. The Prince George’s County Tax Watch group is raising money for any potential appeals. Wass said the lawsuit is being funded largely by donations from the Republican Party.

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