LISTEN: Journalist BILLY HALLOWELL Weighs in on the Possibility of the World Ending, September 23rd

Is the world really ending tomorrow? Listen as Larry spoke with Billy Hallowell, a senior editor at, regarding his latest Fox News article, COULD the world come to an end?

An excerpt of the article is below:

The Bible is more than clear in its theological claim that Jesus Christ will return to Earth at an undisclosed, future time. In fact, that belief is a central hallmark of the Christian faith.

And the latter point about the timing is essential to highlight, as scripture makes it clear that no one knows exactly when the so-called “second coming” will unfold. Yet, once again, here we are with some Christians setting a specific date — September 23, 2017 — for the purported fulfillment of certain prophetic signs or events.

It seems bizarre, considering that the Bible repeatedly and clearly speaks to our inability to know exactly when end-times events — and particularly Jesus’ return — will unfold. Matthew 24:36-37 tells us, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” — and Mark 13:32 says the same. [Read More]

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