LISTEN: Fairfax County Police Are Working To Improve School Traffic For The Fall

ffx schools

Heather Curtis

WASHINGTON – Friday’s the last day of school in Fairfax County, but measures have already been taken to ease traffic congestion near schools this fall

Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin Roessler said 100 crossing guards at schools with the worst traffic jams have been trained to also direct traffic.

“So not only can they cross the kids at the crosswalks, but when traffic backs up they could, under the state code, properly take control of traffic to allow traffic to flow so this doesn’t back up,” Roessler said.

Congestion has been especially bad near schools recently as more parents are driving their kids rather than sending them on buses.

Given this information, police audited every school crossing in the county last fall, looking at safety and traffic flow. From there, the district decided it would be necessary to train some crossing guards to direct traffic.

The change will be especially important in the next school year because start times are changing.

“I believe it will have an impact on traffic, but the adjustments that we make with the input from the community, my goal is to not have any impact and that we can have this smooth transition of vehicle flow and pedestrian safety in and around the schools,” Roessler said.

The public is encouraged to report problem choke points now so police can come up with workable solutions before students return in August.

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