LISTEN: DailyWire’s Editor-in-Chief BEN SHAPIRO on White House Leaks and Mueller Impaneling a Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Listen as Larry spoke with Ben Shapiro, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Wire, regarding leaks leaving White House and Special Counsel Robert Mueller impaneling a grand jury in the Russia probe.

Shapiro recently pinned an article on the Daily Wire regarding Mueller’s breaking news, MUELLER UNLEASHED: Special Counsel Impanels Grand Jury In Russia Investigation. An excerpt of the article is below:

According to The Wall Street Journal, special counsel Robert Mueller has now impaneled a grand jury to investigate Russian 2016 election interference. Actually, the grand jury has reportedly been working for weeks. The White House’s lawyer, Ty Cobb, said that the White House looked forward to working with Mueller in accordance with law. But this is a major step forward for Mueller in a criminal investigation, as former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy points out [Read More]

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