LISTEN: Prince George’s County in Legal Limbo over Budget

Steve Burns

UPPER MARLBORO — (WMAL) – Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker is sending the County Council’s budget proposal back, vetoing sections he says violates the county charter.

“I have no other choice but to veto the budget,” Baker said. “I have been advised by our County Attorney not to sign this legislation.”

Baker is citing a provision of the County charter allowing the Council to adjust the County Executive’s revenue estimates up or down by no more than 1%. Baker says the Council adjusted the estimates down by 2.5%.

“You’ll see some restoration of education funding in there,” Baker’s Budget Director Thomas Himler said. “They reduced the budget by over $90 million. The vetoes will undo roughly $54 million of those reductions.”

Baker says the best outcome would be for the Council to approve the budget as it stands now. But if they choose to override the vetoes, it gets a bit murky, according to County Attorney Andree Green.

“If the Council overrides the veto, we would be in a very precarious position, an unknown situation,” Green said. “We are confident that if this should end up in court, the Judiciary would act quickly and render a ruling so as to not put us in the position of not having an approved budget on July 1.”

Regarding the prospect of a government shutdown, Green said it was too early to specify the consequences.

Copyright 2015 by All Rights Reserved. (PHOTO: Rushern Baker website)

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