LISTEN: DR. ROBERT MOFFIT tells us what is in the new GOP Obamacare repeal bill

DR. ROBERT “BOB” MOFFIT – Senior Fellow, Heritage Foundation, former deputy assistant secretary for legislation at HHS, author of best seller “Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America”

TOPIC: What’s in the GOP Obamacare repeal bill:

• Senate Republicans release new Obamacare repeal bill

• Senate Republicans one vote away from Obamacare repeal failure

• Two GOP senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, said Thursday afternoon they will oppose a procedural vote next week to bring the bill to the floor. GOP leaders are putting immense pressure on about half a dozen other Republican senators not to join them and topple the entire effort. Another “no” is enough to kill the bill, and would also likely lead to mass defections.

• With the prospects for passing the current Senate Republican health care bill still in jeopardy, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, and Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-Louisiana, are working with their GOP colleagues on an alternative approach to replacing Obamacare: keeping much of the federal taxes in place and sending that money to the states to control.


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