LISTEN: Investigative journalist and author SHARYL ATTKISSON discusses her new book and fake news

SHARYL ATTKISSON – host of SINCLAIR’s Sunday TV program Full Measure and author of new book The Smear

Topic : Political smears and fake news

• “If you ask people to identify a coming of age for the modern-day smear, it’s amazing how many political insiders—both Democrats and Republicans—consider it to be the Clinton era. It’s impossible for any outsiders to know exactly how the Clintons became adept at engineering smears to deflect from their controversies”

• “n the distorted world of the smear artist, things are very different. Up becomes down and down is up. It’s Alice in Wonderland and somewhere down the rabbit hole there’s a tea-sipping Mad Hatter stirring the pot. “There was certainly a coordinated effort against me back in the 1992 campaign,” Gerth tells me, with the benefit of hindsight. “There was a whole department aimed at me and other reporters who were looking at the Clintons, the women, the Rose Law Firm.” Rose Law Firm is the Arkansas company where Hillary Clinton was a partner.”

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