LISTEN: Fairfax County School Board Member ELIZABETH SCHULTZ Sheds Light on How Money is Being Spent in Public Schools

Listen as Larry spoke with Elizabeth Schultz of the Fairfax County School Board about public school funding.

During Tuesday’s show, Larry discussed ‘s latest article on The Federalist, Report: Public School Bloat Depressing Teacher Pay, Wasted $805 Billion Since 1992. An excerpt of Pullmann’s article is below:

From 1950 to 2015, for every new student they enrolled, U.S. public schools hired nearly four full-time staff, most of whom weren’t teachers, according to a new EdChoice report from economist Ben Scafidi. While public schools hired teachers two and a half times as fast as they added students, they hired more than seven times as many non-teaching staff in that time. [Read More]

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