Rep. STEVE KING on AG Jeff Sessions Being Asked to Resign

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer called for the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions after discovering he withheld information during his confirmation hearings about conversations he had with a Russian ambassador. Listen as Larry spoke with Rep. King about Democrats and Republicans calling for Sessions to recuse himself.

During the interview, Rep. King discussed the controversy surrounding Attorney General Sessions:

Rep. King: This is a partisan and a media hack job trying to create a media snowball here going into this weekend that can undermine, undercut or maybe even unseat Jeff Sessions. If they do this, there is no reason for the House of Representatives to have mercy on Democrats, we ought to then be bringing Bill and Hillary Clinton before the committees and investigating all the money that they cashed in on during the Clinton campaign to the Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Family Foundation and a number of other things.

And by the way, we ought to dig way back in to Hillary Clinton and trace that email, we preserved all those emails. And furthermore how far do those emails trace? I think they trace to Barack Obama, who is now setting up shop in Washington, D.C. to undermine the President of the United States. So if they want to play hardball, all the ammunition is on our side and they don’t have a spit wad. But that’s about all it amounts to.

He also discussed his experience in Congress upholding the rule of law:

Rep. King: And I’ve been at this with a good number of those folks here in this Congress for some time and sometimes I’ve had to single-handedly hold together the rule of law. They were willing to sacrifice DACA or DAPA. Some of them thought the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze to fight for, but I’ve always held the amendment in place to put people up on votes on this in the House. And we have held together the constitutional foundation for the immigration rule of law. And now, even if we pass nothing on immigration in this Congress, but if President Trump follows through on his immigration policies, then we’re in a lot better shape then we’d ever been before and we are restoring the respect for the rule of law, which was a statement that he made in his wonderful speech, the night before last, which was the best I’ve ever heard in that chamber.

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