Mornings on the Mall 05.19.15


Gen. Jack Keane, Jake Tapper and Larry Kudlow joined WMAL on Tuesday.

INTERVIEW – GENERAL JACK KEANE – four star general, former acting Chief of Staff and Vice Chair of the U.S. Army.

INTERVIEW – JAKE TAPPER – Anchor of CNN’s The Lead and host of new one-hour special tonight ” CNN Special Report David Letterman Says Goodnight” airing on TONIGHT at 9:00pmET.

INTERVIEW: LARRY KUDLOW – CNBC Senior Contributor and host of The Larry Kudlow Show on WMAL Saturdays at 7 pm

Mornings on the Mall

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hosts: Brian Wilson and Larry O’Connor

Executive Producer: Heather Smith

5am – A/B/C INTERVIEW: TIM LYNCH – Director, Project on Criminal Justice, Cato Institute

  • Obama announces restrictions on distribution of military-style equipment to police. WASHINGTON –  President Obama is banning local police departments from receiving a range of military-style equipment from the federal government — from grenade launchers to bayonets to certain armored vehicles — as he implements the recommendations of a panel that examined the controversial gear giveaways in the wake of the Ferguson riots.  The White House announced Monday that Washington would no longer provide some military-style gear while putting stricter controls on other weapons and equipment distributed to law enforcement. The details were released in advance of an Obama visit to Camden, N.J., Monday afternoon where he met with youth and law enforcement.

5am – D         Federal judge again rules key part of new D.C. gun law unconstitutional. Ten months after striking down the District’s long-standing ban on carrying firearms in public as unconstitutional, a federal judge Monday ordered the city to halt enforcing a key provision of the new gun-permitting system it adapted in response. As passed by the D.C. Council, the District’s new carry legislation remains among the strictest in the nation, requiring applicants to state good reason to carry a weapon in order to obtain a permit from police, matching laws in Maryland, New Jersey and New York. However, in a 23-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. ruled that condition — known as the “good reason/proper reason” requirement — still “impinges on Plaintiffs’ Second Amendment right to bear arms,” because it fails to target dangerous people or specifically how or where individuals carry weapons.

5am – E         Hillary News:

  • Hillary Clinton emails to be released in January 2016, says US State Department. Court filing in response to freedom of information lawsuit says 55,000 pages are still being reviewed to determine which can be made public. The US State Department has set itself a deadline of January next year to release 55,000 pages of emails sent from a private account by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state. The longer-than-expected timetable will mean the emails, which have marred the launch of Clinton’s presidential campaign, will not be released until just before the first key events of the presidential nomination process – the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary. Clinton handed over 30,000 work-related emails to the State Department in December 2014, but she held back as many other emails that her lawyers said were private.
  • Hillary Received Memo Describing Benghazi As Planned Terror Attack Within Hours. (Mark Tapscott, The Daily Caller) New documents obtained by Judicial Watch and made public Monday show that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior officials under President Obama were given intelligence within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack describing how it had been planned at least 10 days in advance “to kill as many Americans as possible.”
  • Report: Hillary Clinton Had Second Secret Email Address While Secretary of State. (NY Post) – A second secret e-mail address used by Hillary Rodham Clinton while she was secretary of state was revealed Monday. The e-mail address, published by The New York Times, was used in exchanges between Clinton and longtime adviser Sydney Blumenthal, and is from the same private e-mail server that was uncovered earlier this year.

6am – A/B/C Kerry: Internet ‘Needs Rules to Be Able to Flourish and Work Properly.’

Calls for more international Internet laws. (Weekly Standard/Daniel Halper) — In a speech today in South Korea, Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Internet “needs rules to be able to flourish and work properly.” This, according to Kerry, is necessary even for “a technology founded on freedom.” Speaking on behalf of the Obama administration, Kerry said that Internet policy is “a key component of our foreign policy.” Kerry made his remarks in the context of talking about how international law is applicable to the Internet. “As I’ve mentioned, the basic rules of international law apply in cyberspace. Acts of aggression are not permissible. And countries that are hurt by an attack have a right to respond in ways that are appropriate, proportional, and that minimize harm to innocent parties. We also support a set of additional principles that, if observed, can contribute substantially to conflict prevention and stability in time of peace. We view these as universal concepts that should be appealing to all responsible states, and they are already gaining traction,” said Kerry.

6am – D         Lindsey Graham: ‘I am running because the world is falling apart’(Yahoo! News) — While the Republican senator will make his official announcement June 1 in his hometown of Central, South Carolina, he made his intentions clear during an interview on “CBS This Morning” Monday. “I am running because I think the world is falling apart,” Graham said. He becomes the seventh major candidate to jump into the race for the GOP nomination. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, ex-Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson have already launched their respective campaigns. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and ex-Texas Gov. Rick Perry are among other potential candidates likely to join the Republican field. Graham hinted about his plans during the Iowa Republican Party forum over the weekend. “I’m thinking about running for president,“ he said Saturday. “You get a house and a car and a plane. It’s a pretty good gig.”

Governor Bobby Jindal Forms 2016 Exploratory Committee. (NBC News) —Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday formed an exploratory committee to assist him in deciding whether to seek the Republican Party nomination for president. “For some time now, my wife Supriya and I have been thinking and praying about whether to run for the Presidency of our great nation,” Jindal said. “We’ll make a final decision in June, after the legislative session in Louisiana ends.” “If I run, my candidacy will be based on the idea that the American people are ready to try a dramatically different direction. Not a course correction, but a dramatically different path,” he added. Jindal has made a number of visits to the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. If he runs, he’ll enter an already crowded GOP field. “While other Republican leaders are talking about change, I’ve published detailed plans to repeal and replace Obamacare, rebuild America’s Defenses, make America energy independent, and reform education for our nation’s children,” Jindal said.

6am – E         Baltimore News:

  • Baltimore prosecutor seeks gag order, citing defense actions. BALTIMORE (AP) – Baltimore prosecutors have asked a judge to impose a gag order preventing attorneys in the Freddie Gray case from talking about it, saying lawyers for six police officers are attempting to influence people who might be on a grand jury or serve on a trial jury.    According to a motion obtained Monday by The Associated Press, prosecutors want the court to “pass an order proscribing all defense counsel, their agents and the state from commenting upon or disseminating any extrajudicial information.”    Gray died a week after he was fatally injured during his arrest by Baltimore police.  Prosecutors cited concerns about statements defense attorneys made at a news conference last week on behalf of one of the officers, Sgt. Alicia White, as possibly having a “prejudicial effect” on the case.
  • Jay Z and Beyoncé Reportedly Wired Money to Bail Out Ferguson, Baltimore Protesters. In since-deleted tweets, activist and film-maker Dream Hampton, who worked with Jay Z on his 2010 autobiography, claimed the pair ‘wired tens of thousands’. An activist and film-maker who has worked with Jay Z claims that the hip-hop star contributed “tens of thousands” of dollars to free protesters who could not pay their bail following anti-police brutality demonstrations in Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri. The activist, Dream Hampton, later deleted her tweets and called them “error-ridden”, but confirmed to the Guardian that Jay Z helped bail protesters out. Hampton’s original tweets claimed Jay Z (given name Shawn Carter) and his wife Beyoncé helped supply bail money for protesters, and discussed the difficulties of organizing when protesters are thrown in jail. They were later deleted, but were screengrabbed by the hip-hop magazine Complex. “I’m going to tweet this and I don’t care if Jay gets mad,” wrote Hampton, at 8.38am on Sunday. “When we needed money for bail for Baltimore protesters, I asked hit Jay up [sic], as I had for Ferguson, wired tens of thousands in mins.”

7am – A         INTERVIEW – GENERAL JACK KEANE – four star general, former acting Chief of Staff and Vice Chair of the U.S. Army.

  • GEN JACK KEENE is receiving the prestigious 2015 BRADY PRIZE at the Kennedy Center on JUNE 3RD
  • US presidential candidates agree Iraq invasion was a mistake
  • Is Ramadi lost? What should we do about ISIS?

7am – B         Democratic congresswoman apologizes for ethnically loaded gesture. (CNN) – U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez has apologized for an ethnically touchy gaffe that was caught on cell phone video. The Democrat, who is running to replace California’s retiring Sen. Barabara Boxer, would otherwise seem like a paragon of diversity. But when she let out a stereotypical Native American “war cry” over the weekend, it marred that image and sent her running. Literally — away from a reporter trying to chase her down for comment on the gaffe that many found racially offensive. But late Sunday, she spoke about the slip-up. Native Americans know she’s watching out for them, she said at a Democratic Party convention in Anaheim, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. “And they know what many of you don’t know — that like so many Mexican Americans, I am proudly Native American on my mother’s side,” Sanchez said. Sanchez apologized Sunday at the state convention, saying “in this crazy and exciting rush of meetings yesterday, I said something offensive and for that, I sincerely apologize,” according to video from CNN affiliate KCAL KCBS. Sanchez was ad-libbing at a California Democratic party convention in Anaheim, when she made a stereotypical Native American “war cry.”

7am – C         Mosquitoes like Washington more than most other cities. (WashingtonPost) — The Washington area is the third-worst mosquito region in the country, according to a new ranking from pest-control company Orkin. The rankings looked at where Orkin provided the most customers with mosquito treatments in 2014 and does not account for an area’s population size, so swat these rankings with some skepticism. Washington also ranked third in last year’s list. Atlanta and Chicago topped these most recent rankings. Here’s the Top 10 cities: Atlanta, Chicago,    Washington, Detroit, Raleigh-Durham, Boston, Houston, Nashville, Charlotte and   Dallas-Fort Worth. The summer months are prime time for mosquitoes, and nine out of the Top 20 cities on the list are in the muggy Southeast.

7am – D         A D.C. politician wants to be able to pull liquor licenses from loud bars.(Washington Post) — One evening last March, D.C. Council member Vincent B. Orange hit the Dupont Circle clubs with three of his constituents.  With a sound meter in hand, the group cut through the alleys behind the bars and weaved through the lines of people on sidewalks, along the way measuring the sounds emanating from these popular weekend spots. Orange was traveling with the D.C. Nightlife Noise Coalition, a Dupont watchdog group that tracks bars and clubs that exceed the city’s legal noise limits — which, in a commercial zone at night, may not to exceed 60 decibels, the level of a normal conversation. More than a year later, these residents say the sound has not subsided — and Orange says he has a solution. The council member introduced legislation this month requiring bars and restaurants to measure and submit to a city agency their outside noise levels every hour of operation between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. “Praise the Lord, at least [Orange] is thinking about it,” said Sarah Peck, a founding member of the coalition. “The city is either unwilling or unable to enforce existing law.” Peck said the patios and rooftops, particularly these outdoor spaces that have a DJ or band playing, are the source of most of the noise problems. The city’s bar owners, needless to say, don’t like the bill, which they argue would impose a giant clerical burden. More broadly, the proposal ignites a simmering tension between residents and the city’s rapidly expanding bar and dining scene, a huge engine of the D.C. economy driven by the city’s booming population of young people with disposable incomes.

7am – E         Supreme Court: Maryland has been illegally double-taxing residents who pay income tax to other states. (Washington Post) — A divided Supreme Court said Monday that Maryland’s income tax law is unconstitutional because it does not provide a full tax credit to residents for income tax paid outside the state, a ruling likely to cost Maryland counties and localities across the country millions of dollars in revenue. The court voted 5-4 to affirm a 2013 Maryland Court of Appeals decision that the state’s practice of withholding a credit on the county segment of the state income tax violated the Commerce Clause because it might discourage individuals from doing business across state lines. In most states, income from elsewhere is taxed both where the money is made and where taxpayers live. To guard against double taxation, states usually give residents a full credit for income taxes paid on out-of-state earnings. Maryland residents are permitted to deduct income taxes paid to other states from what they pay in Maryland state income tax. But the state did not allow the same deduction to be applied to a “piggy back” tax that is collected by the state for counties and some cities. The ruling means that Maryland taxpayers who tried to claim the credit on their county income tax returns between 2006 and 2014 are likely to be eligible for refunds, which the state Comptroller’s office says could total $200 million with interest.

8am – A         INTERVIEW – JAKE TAPPER – Anchor of CNN’s The Lead and host of new one-hour special tonight ” CNN Special Report David Letterman Says Goodnight” airing on TONIGHT at 9:00pmET.

8am – B         Wedding News:

  • Bristol Palin Calls Off Wedding Amid Tabloid Rumors. Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer are not getting married as expected.  Sarah Palin’s daughter and her beau, a Medal of Honor recipient, had a Memorial Day weekend wedding planned for May 23, but plans fell through after tabloids reported that Dakota had a “secret wife.” The former Governor of Alaska broke the news for her daughter on Facebook: “Bristol and Dakota couldn’t be more thankful for the love and support of family and friends over the past months while preparing for their wedding. They have informed loved ones that unfortunately the announced celebration planned for May 23 will not be held,” Sarah stated. Although, there will still be a party for those who already made plans to attend the festivities.
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg Invokes Constitution While Performing Same-Sex Marriage. On Sunday afternoon, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an outspoken supporter of same-sex marriage, used the occasion of presiding over a same-sex wedding ceremony to cite the Constitution as the source of her power to wed the two men. Gushing that she pronounced Michael Kahn, the artistic director of the Shakespeare Theater Company in Washington, and Charles Mitchem, who works at an architecture firm in New York, to be married, Ginsburg added that she did so with the powers vested in her by the nation’s Constitution, according to Maureen Dowd of the New York Times.  The event was held at Anderson House, once the headquarters in Washington of the Society of the Cincinnati, a club consisting of descendants of the French and American soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War. The guests, thrilled that Ginsburg invoked the Constitution, clapped with great gusto. Ginsburg was visibly delighted at prompting such a response; there were some who apparently felt she was making a subtle reference to the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision vis-à-vis same-sex marriage, possibly sending a signal that the Court will approve of it.

8am – C         Introducing the S’mores Oreo.  Start planning your Memorial Day barbecue and campfire now because Oreo has a new variety that makes this the perfect excuse to eat.  On second thought, skip the campfire: Oreo does all the roasting for you with its new cookie, the S’mores  It’s Oreo’s first graham cracker-flavored cookie, and it’s got chocolate and marshmallow creme in the filling. The s’mores taste is nuanced. At first bite, they taste fairly close to the original Oreo, but they come with a slightly s’mores aftertaste. The major pro here is you get to enjoy that campfire taste without having to lick marshmallow goop off your fingers. The con: They won’t be hot — but you could always try toasting the Oreos (MarketWatch taste testers did not try this). The cookies hit shelves starting May 22.

8am – D         INTERVIEW: LARRY KUDLOW – CNBC Senior Contributor and host of The Larry Kudlow Show on WMAL Saturdays at 7 pm

  • Opinion — Lawrence Kudlow: Will anyone ever defend banks? Both sides are attacking banks
  • GOP Field Growing: Lindsey Graham: ‘I am running because the world is falling apart.’  Governor Bobby Jindal Forms 2016 Exploratory Committee.
  • Thoughts about George Stephanopoulos’s conflict of interest with Clinton donations

TOMORROW:          GI Film Festival co-founder, Tucker Carlson and Daniel Halper


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