Chaffetz Climbs Back On The Trump Bandwagon – Kind Of


PROVO, UTAH — (CNN) Add Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz to the list of Republicans sending mixed signals about his support for Donald Trump.

“I will not defend or endorse @realDonaldTrump, but I am voting for him. HRC is that bad. HRC is bad for the USA,” the House Oversight Committee chairman tweeted Wednesday evening.

Earlier this month (see below), the Republican congressman told CNN’s Don Lemon that he wouldn’t defend the candidate after a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape was leaked revealing Trump bragging about being sexually aggressive with women because he is a celebrity. In the wake of the tape, nearly a dozen women have alleged Trump sexually assaulted or inappropriately touched them without permission. Trump has denied all the claims of misconduct.

“My wife, Julie and I, we have a 15-year-old daughter,” Chaffetz had said on “CNN Tonight.” “Do you think I can look her in the eye and tell her that I endorsed Donald Trump for president when he acts like this and his apology? That was no apology, that was an apology for getting caught.”

Chaffetz continued: “So I’m not going to put my good name and reputation and my family behind Donald Trump when he acts like this, I just can’t do it.”

And when asked by Lemon if Trump could do anything to make it up to voters and the Republican Party, Chaffetz responded, “I don’t know.”

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Other Republicans sending mixed messages on Trump include GOP Senate candidate Rep. Joe Heck of Nevada and Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, who is running for re-election.

Chaffetz is a congressman from Utah, the home state of independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin whose popularity there threatens to squeeze Trump’s path to victory in the previously solid red state.

A Utah poll earlier this month found Trump and Clinton tied, with McMullin running a close third.

Chaffetz also led the Hill GOP investigation into Clinton’s email use while secretary of state.

The-CNN-Wire ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved. (PHOTO: Jason Chaffetz/Twitter)

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