LISTEN: JOE DIGENOVA: FBI Director Comey Took A Dive For Clinton. This Was An FBI Coverup.

INTERVIEW – JOE DIGENOVA – legal analyst and former U.S. Attorney to the District of Columbia

  • The FBI has released the report from its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information through the use of a private email server. What were Joe’s takeaways?
  • Outgoing police chief decries District’s ‘broken’ criminal justice system. (Washington Post) — In a far-ranging interview, the chief of nearly 10 years unleashed a blunt rebuke of the myriad local and federal agencies responsible for keeping offenders in check, saying there are too many failures and too little accountability.  “The criminal justice system in this city is broken,” Lanier said, citing what she sees as the lack of outrage over repeat offenders as a key reason for her decision to take a job as head of security for the National Football League. “It is beyond broken.” People “want more police. They want more arrests,” she said. “But if we’re arresting the same people over and over again, there’s got to be some questions being asked.”

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