Mornings on the Mall 09.06.16


Legal analyst Joe diGenova, Larry Kudlow, Ann Coulter, David Drucker, Brett Decker and guest host Katie Pavlich joined WMAL on Tuesday!

Mornings on the Mall

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hosts: Brian Wilson and Katie Pavlich

Executive Producer: Heather Hunter


5am – A/B/C Latest on Hillary’s Emails: Is She Stupid, Incompetent or Lying?

5am – D         President Obama: Colin Kaepernick ‘exercising constitutional right’ – (ESPN) — President Barack Obama said San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is “exercising his constitutional right” not to stand for the national anthem. Obama made his comment during a news conference Monday in Hangzhou, China, where he is attending a meeting of Group of 20 countries. Kaepernick has said he is refusing to stand during the national anthem to bring attention to what he considers failings in the United States’ treatment of racial minorities. The president said he hasn’t paid close attention to Kaepernick’s protest, but he added that he has no doubt that Kaepernick is sincere and “cares about some real, legitimate issues that have to be talked about.”

5am – E         Outgoing police chief decries District’s ‘broken’ criminal justice system. D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier leaves her post in two weeks with high popularity and crime down over her tenure but frustrated by a system that she said allows repeat violent offenders back on the street time after time. In a far-ranging interview, the chief of nearly 10 years unleashed a blunt rebuke of the myriad local and federal agencies responsible for keeping offenders in check, saying there are too many failures and too little accountability. “The criminal justice system in this city is broken,” Lanier said, citing what she sees as the lack of outrage over repeat offenders as a key reason for her decision to take a job as head of security for the National Football League. “It is beyond broken.”

6am – A/B/C Hillary Clinton Fights Back Coughing Attack.  Hillary Clinton struggled to fight back a coughing fit while campaigning in Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday. “I’ve been talking so much,” Clinton said with a hoarse voice. “Every time I think about Trump, I get allergic.” The former secretary of state has suffered from coughing fits at times throughout the Democratic presidential primary. However the frog in Clinton’s throat on Monday was one of the most aggressive she’s had during her 2016 run and left her almost unable to finish her remarks.

Hillary Has Second Coughing Spell of Day During In-Flight Presser. Hillary Clinton finally gave the press what they have been asking for weeks, with an impromptu question-and-answer session aboard her new campaign plane, but it ended abruptly as she began coughing uncontrollably and had to leave the press section of the plane. It was the second time Monday that Clinton had a coughing spell, having coughed her way through two minutes of a campaign speech in Cleveland earlier. She laughed off that attack as an allergic reaction to her GOP presidential rival Donald Trump. But the cough has been a point of speculation among some of Clinton’s critics who say it points to evidence she is in poor health. Her campaign has dismissed such talk as conspiracy theory. Clinton had just received a question about Trump’s ties to Russia when her voice became notably scratchy, as it had been in her Cleveland speech.

6am – D         RIP PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY: Outspoken conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, who helped defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and founded the Eagle Forum political group, has died at age 92. The Eagle Forum announced her death in a statement Monday. Her son John Schlafly says she died of cancer Monday afternoon at her home in St. Louis. Schlafly rose to national attention in 1964 with her self-published book, “A Choice Not an Echo,” that became a manifesto for the far right. It chronicled the history of the Republican National Convention, sold three million copies and helped conservative Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater earn the 1964 GOP nomination.

6am – E         Disrespect Abroad:

  • After cursing Obama, Duterte expresses regret. Vientiane, Laos (CNN) Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is expressing regret after his obscenity-laden rant against President Barack Obama prompted the White House to cancel planned bilateral talks between the two leaders. Duterte, who cursed Obama as a “son of a bitch” Monday, said in a statement through his spokesman that he regretted “it came across as a personal attack on the US President.” “We look forward to ironing out differences arising out of national priorities and perceptions,” the statement released on Tuesday read. White House officials previously said Obama would confront Duterte about his country’s handling of drug dealers, including extrajudicial killings, which are government executions without the benefit of judicial proceedings. “Who does he think he is? I am no American puppet. I am the president of a sovereign country and I am not answerable to anyone except the Filipino people,” Duterte scoffed in a speech Monday. “Son of a bitch, I will swear at you.”
  • Obama Plays Down Confrontation With China Over His Plane’s Stairs. HANGZHOU, China — When Air Force One taxied to a stop in eastern China on Saturday afternoon, American and Chinese officials had already engaged in a lengthy, heated dispute over the most mundane of issues: How would the president depart his plane? China’s handling of President Obama’s arrival for the Group of 20 summit meeting in Hangzhou has created a narrative that the Chinese snubbed the American president.

7am – A         INTERVIEW – JOE DIGENOVA – legal analyst and former U.S. Attorney to the District of Columbia

  • The FBI has released the report from its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information through the use of a private email server. What were Joe’s takeaways?
  • Outgoing police chief decries District’s ‘broken’ criminal justice system. (Washington Post) — In a far-ranging interview, the chief of nearly 10 years unleashed a blunt rebuke of the myriad local and federal agencies responsible for keeping offenders in check, saying there are too many failures and too little accountability.  “The criminal justice system in this city is broken,” Lanier said, citing what she sees as the lack of outrage over repeat offenders as a key reason for her decision to take a job as head of security for the National Football League. “It is beyond broken.” People “want more police. They want more arrests,” she said. “But if we’re arresting the same people over and over again, there’s got to be some questions being asked.”

7am – B/C     Cyclists’ red light violations raise concerns about safety. Biking in D.C. is growing at a rapid rate.  WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Bicyclists often ignore red lights in the nation’s capital, but they rarely get ticketed. NBC 4 reports that bike riders triggered the cameras more than 1,500 times since 2015. But the cameras have no way of identifying them. D.C. police spokesman Dustin Sternbeck says the violations raise concerns about safety, not only for bike riders but motorists and pedestrians. The cycling community shot back, saying most red-light violators are behind the wheel of a car or truck. In 2015, there were more than 60,000 red light camera violations triggered by cars in the District. Greg Billing of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association said most accidents are caused by motor vehicles.

7am – D         INTERVIEW —  LARRY KUDLOW – CNBC Senior Contributor and host of The Larry Kudlow Show on WMAL Saturdays at 7 pm

  • KUDLOW has a new book coming out “JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity” on September 5th (THIS WEEK)

7am – E         INTERVIEW — ANN COULTER – Author of “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!” – discussed the life and legacy of Phyllis Schlafy, and why Schlafly is an important figure in political history.


8am – A         INTERVIEW — DAVID DRUCKER — Senior Congressional Correspondent for the Washington Examiner

  • Congress Comes Back This Week! What is on the agenda?
  • Congress Faces Five Big Issues Following Summer Recess

–  Funding Zika Vaccines – Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has set up an evening vote on Tuesday to overcome cloture, a procedural hurdle, which would effectively end floor debate and move the bill for a final vote.

– Tackling Appropriations – September 30 marks the end of the 2016 fiscal year and just happens to be the last day before House members are scheduled to start their month-long fall recess. The Senate’s recess starts a week later.

Appointing a Supreme Court Nominee – Five months after President Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland is still waiting for his Senate hearing.

– Impeaching IRS Commissioner – Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus will continue their push to impeach Internal Revenue Services Commissioner John Koskinen, a fight that started over a year ago.

Finally Addressing Gun Control? – House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., piqued interest among Republican and Democrats alike when he announced that his chamber would vote on a counterterrorism bill before Congress left for recess. The bill included a provision that would prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns. Ryan’s effort to pass some form of gun control was viewed as a peace offering to Democrats, who had staged a 25-hour sit-in on the House floor in June.

8am – B         Debates:

  • Trump Accepts Debates: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump put to bed any questions about whether he would participate in all three presidential debates on Monday. According to The Washington Post, Trump waited to make his decision until the moderators for each debate were announced, but apparently Donald approves of NBC’s Lester Holt, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, ABC’s Martha Rabbatz, and Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “I expect to do all three. I look forward to the debates. I think it is an important element of what we’re doing. I think you have an obligation to do the debates,” Trump said to reporters in Ohio. “I did them with the other [primary candidates] — I guess 11 debates. I look forward to the debates.”
  • Debate Moderator Chris Wallace: Not My Job to Be ‘Truth Squad’ If Candidates Lie. (Mediaite) — Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is getting some attention from media observers for his take on whether he has an obligation to call out candidates when they lie. Wallace previewed the big task ahead of him with colleague Howard Kurtz on MediaBuzz yesterday. Kurtz asked him, “What do you do if they make assertions you know to be untrue?” Wallace replied thusly:  “That’s not my job. I do not believe that it’s my job to be a truth squad. It’s up to the other person to catch them on that. I certainly am going to try to maintain some reasonable semblance of equal time. If one of them is filibustering, I’m going to try to break in respectfully and give the other person a chance to talk.”

8am – D         INTERVIEW — BRETT DECKER — a former editorial page editor of the Washington Times and a former editor for the Wall Street Journal and co-author of NEW BOOK “The Conservative Case for Trump.”

8am – E         These Newspapers Won’t Endorse Trump:

  • Richmond Times-Dispatch dumps Trump for Johnson. “Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush, McCain, Romney …” If you think you know where this is going, think again, said the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s editorial page this weekend. Though the second largest Virginia newspaper has endorsed Republicans for president for the last 36 years, the editorial board found that they just couldn’t this time for Donald Trump. Nor could they endorse Hillary Clinton. They started to reach that conclusion “several weeks ago, as scandal continued to engulf the Democratic nominee while the Republican candidate’s statements and behavior daily piled distress upon puzzlement.” At the same time, they started seriously looking at the Libertarian Party ticket with its one-two punch of former GOP governors, former two-term New Mexico executive Gary Johnson and former Massachusetts governor William Weld. Several on the board were positively disposed toward Johnson but their “final decision to endorse the Johnson/Weld ticket, and to do so with great confidence and enthusiasm, came only after Johnson met with the editorial board last Monday morning.”
  • Dallas Morning News won’t endorse Trump for president. Breaking with decades of historical precedent of endorsing the Republican Party nominee in the general election, the editorial board of The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday declared Donald Trump unfit for office and undeserving of the GOP brand. The newspaper’s editorial board, which endorsed Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the Republican primary, ripped into Trump for his “admiration” of Russian President Vladimir Putin and disavowal of trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as well as national security ideas that it says “put sound bites over sound policy.” Trump’s ideas, the editorial board wrote, “are so far from Republicanism that they have spawned a new description: Trumpism.”



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