LISTEN: JAKE TAPPER: Somebody May Have Said To Trump ‘Check Yourself Before Your Wreck Yourself’

INTERVIEW — JAKE TAPPER – Anchor of The Lead and State of the Union on CNN – discussed state of play of the election ahead of Tuesday’s primaries.

  • Scott Walker says he would support Trump if he’s GOP nominee. “I will support the Republican running against (Democratic front-runner) Hillary Clinton in the fall — whoever that is,” Walker said at a news conference in Wauwatosa on Wednesday morning. Even if Trump is the nominee? “Yeah,” Walker said, declining to say Trump’s name.
  • Internal campaign memo projects Trump will win 1,400 delegates at GOP convention. The next primary is April 26, when five states vote. Stay caught up with the race. (Washington Post) — Donald Trump’s campaign advisers believe the billionaire mogul is emerging as the “prohibitive favorite” in the Republican presidential race and project that he will accumulate more than 1,400 delegates to secure the nomination on the first round of balloting at the party’s Cleveland convention, according to an internal campaign memorandum. The projections come in a memo distributed to Trump surrogates late Tuesday night containing talking points for use in media interviews this week.“Our projections call for us to accumulate over 1400 delegates and thus a first ballot nomination win in Cleveland.” Candidates need at least 1,237 delegates to win the nomination. Trump has 845 delegates, with Cruz at 559 and Ohio Gov. John Kasich at 147, according to calculations by the Associated Press. Trump hopes to pass the threshold by winning primaries between now and June and by courting the roughly 200 or so convention delegates who are unbound.
  • Clinton on track to capture Democratic nomination. NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton can lose every remaining primary in the coming weeks and still clinch the nomination. With Clinton’s double-digit win in New York and more than two dozen new superdelegates joining her camp, rival Bernie Sanders now faces a far steeper path.


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