Political Prediction Market: Trump opens up 27-point lead over Cruz

cruz trump
WASHINGTON — (CNN) Donald Trump has a crushing lead for the GOP nomination in CNN’s Political Prediction Market.
The billionaire GOP front-runner has his odds for the nomination at 62%, opening a 27-point lead on Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, whose chances are at 35%.
Last week, Trump and Cruz were almost tied for the nomination, with Trump at 47% and Cruz at 46%.
The Political Prediction Market is an online game that is administered by a company called Pivit. It functions like an online market and allows Internet users to predict the outcome of the 2016 election.
Trump’s big lead could be a result of his new campaign strategy, after his campaign pivoted to attacking Washington and Republican insiders and is now focusing attention on trying to get his delegate operation up and running, as well as is ripping the Republican National Committee for its delegate process.
Trump also is leading in his home state of New York for the Republican primary.
A recent Quinnipiac University poll places Trump in the lead with 55% support, followed by Ohio Gov. John Kasich with 20% support and Cruz with 19%.
In the Political Prediction Market, Trump’s odds to win the April 19 New York Republican primary are at 99%.
Hillary Clinton, however, still holds the highest odds in the market to win the White House.
Clinton’s chances for the presidency are at 73%, a huge lead from Trump, who is in second place with his chances at 14%.
Clinton is also leading to win the Democratic nomination, with odds at 87% compared to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is at 11%.


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(Photo: CNN)

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