Owl Renesting Delayed by Lack of Equipment, Insurance Paperwork

great horned owl

Bridget Reed Morawski

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) A baby owl was discovered earlier this week under a tree opposite the Rapley Preserve Circle in Potomac. A local wildlife rehabilitation center had hoped to renest the fallen fowl yesterday morning, but ran into some snags.

Originally, Suzanne Shoemaker, the founder of Owl Moon Raptor Center, thought that the original renesting attempt would be delayed by yesterday’s thunderstorms. Instead, it was delayed by insurance papers.

The land manager at the park requested an insurance certificate in order to show that the park would not be liable for any injuries sustained during the renesting attempt.

The pair of tree climbers with the wildlife center were further delayed after realizing that they did not have the proper equipment to ascend the tree.

“We didn’t have all our ducks in a row, so to speak, to get back in there yesterday afternoon,” said Shoemaker.

But as of this morning, the tree climbers were setting up the proper equipment and ropes to install an artificial nest basket. Shoemaker plans to bring the three week old owl back home later this morning.

Yesterday’s renesting attempt wasn’t completely fruitless, however: they located the baby bird’s sibling and parents, a pair of large Great Horned Owls.

Great Horned Owls are quite territorial, but Shoemaker doesn’t anticipate the pair giving the climbers any issues during the renesting attempt.

“They haven’t actually attacked [any of us],” said Shoemaker. “They’ve been known to do that, but not actually in our experience.”

Copyright 2016 by WMAL.com. All Rights Reserved. (Photo: Dick Daniels)

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