Brussels Attacks Have Security Here In D.C. At High Alert



John Matthews

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) You may feel it when you’re out today.

Agencies tasked with keeping the public safe will likely be on heightened alert today following the series of bombings in Brussels that have left dozens dead and wounded.

Metro Transit Police put out a tweet Tuesday morning indicating there is no known, specific or credible threat to Metro at this time. However, the agency has ordered additional K9 sweeps and foot patrols starting this morning as an extra precaution.

The department noted it is closely monitoring events in Brussels, and it is asking riders who see anything suspicious to call 202-962-2121.

The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, which operates both Reagan National and Dulles Airports, released this statement Tuesday morning:

The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority’s number-one priority is always the safety and security of our passengers and all airport employees. Reagan National and Dulles International airports have a robust security structure, both publicly visible and behind the scenes.

We constantly train our employees and evaluate our security procedures, in collaboration with our federal partners and local mutual aid partners, to make adjustments, updates and enhancements based on new information and situations.

Passengers can assist by remaining vigilant and remembering: “If you see something, say something.”

Passengers who see something suspicious should pass that information to Airport Police or an airport employee. We all have a responsibility in helping to keep our airports safe.

In New York, the city police department announced it is ramping up security at mass transit points, bridges & tunnels, as well as at major landmarks.

Copyright 2016 by All Rights Reserved. (PHOTO: Metro Transit Police/Twitter)

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