Jeb Bush: I will ‘whup’ Hillary Clinton

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush called for a "thorough screening" of the possible admission of Syrian refugees in wake of the Paris attacks.

WASHINGTON — (CNN) GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush says if given the chance, he will “whup” Hillary Clinton.

Bush spoke the Republican Jewish Coalition presidential forum in Washington on Thursday, where all GOP candidates were scheduled to speak.

He got an enthusiastic reception from the audience, many of whom have supported his campaign.

“Should I win the nomination, I will take it to Hillary Clinton and I will whup her,” Bush declared, to applause.

Bush said the next president should “have a servant’s heart” and not “push people down” — a veiled swipe at front-runner Donald Trump, with whom Bush has repeatedly sparred on the trail.

He said the president should be a “person with a heart, a person with a brain and a person with a backbone,” like himself.

The audience not only had a warm response for Bush — they had a soft spot for the whole Bush family. Bush was asked about his father and mother, George H.W. and Barbara Bush.

He said the elderly patriarch was not watching “CSI” anymore.

“He’s now watching Fox again, trying to figure out Donald Trump, I think. That’s his main goal in life,” Bush joked as the crowd cheered. “Hard for a guy like that to understand the Trump phenomenon.”

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(Photo: CNN)

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