Alon Pinkas to Newsmax: US-Israel Tie Strong No Matter Who’s at Helm

What Kamala Harris said Thursday to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “may not seem very comfortable or very palatable to Israeli ears, but reflects, according to polls at least, a majority of public opinion,” in the U.S. and around the world, said former Ambassador Alon Pinkas, the former Israeli consul general in New York.

But the structural foundations between the U.S. and Israel are very strong, regardless of who the next U.S. leader is, he added.

“I think that the, the problem and the, the rogue element that’s been damaging this relationship is Mr. Netanyahu, and he did it not just with Joe Biden. He did it with Donald Trump as well, and he did it with Barack Obama. And previously he did it with George H.W. Bush,” Pinkas said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax’s “American Agenda.”

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