Op-Ed: An Act of Evil

Author: Erin M Roselle Poe, Past President of Loudoun County Republican Women’s Club

This day should be a reality check for those who have kept a blind eye to the evil that has enveloped the United States of America.  I’ve seen the world of social media explode with the news of former President Trumps attempted assassination and this act of evil being compared to the classroom shootings that take place. Many saying that why isn’t there this mass attention and pray request when those acts of senseless evil take place… THEY DO!

Let’s not pretend that we do not see those acts as any less evil.  Evil is evil and hate is hate and that’s the problem, it’s used to fit the narrative of someone who is in disagreement instead of acknowledging that it’s all evil.  But lets be honest here, you don’t see one pollical partying suggesting that shootings of classrooms take place, but you do see on multiple occasions pollical leader making statements that candidate need to be put in the “Bird Eye” of a target, or that they want to punch a guy out or post adds of the decapitated President because they hate the man so much.  That you do see, and it is encouraged by the masses. 

The silent majority can no longer be silent. I have seen a rapid decline in moral and ethical behavior across the county, things that were only foretold in movies back in the day, and here we are, surrounded by evil. There is no other word to describe it. It goes against the essence of what our America stands for. And for what?? Control, control of the men, women and children of want is slowly no longer the land of the free and home of the brave.  To be free and brave is now more than ever without a price.  You pay the price with friendships, family relationships, religious beliefs, economic security, drug wars, open boarders, murder of the innocent upon birth, and more. You no longer live in an America where you can openly have an opinion or stand for what you believe in without looking over your shoulder.

Tell me, are you really okay with this? I’m tired of hearing from people that they only vote party line regardless of who the candite is.  Well thank you, thank you for supporting the open boarders, thank you for supporting the increase in gas and food prices, thank you for letting our county now become vulnerable to the rest of the world. We once were a county that the world feared, now we area a laughingstock. Our children’s futures are in danger and the lasting question of anyone who hasn’t been asleep is “Will we still have our America?”

I’m not trying to sway votes one way or another, but if you cannot agree that what took place in Butler PA was a pure act of evil, then perhaps you need to have your own examine of consciousness. Life matters, regardless of whether you agree with the individual or not.   We must wake up and yes make our America great again, if not now than when?

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