Four Ways the Left Wins Using Gender Ideology

By Dan Shyti

The Left is all about totalitarian control. The further left one moves on the political spectrum, the more control becomes centralized and the less individual freedom we have. When I speak about the extreme political left, I mean Marxism. Under leftist Democrat control, America is drifting closer and closer to Marxism. 

The Left seeks to undermine all traditional social pillars as a means of confusing, deconstructing, and crashing American society. Their goal? To completely restructure America into a totalitarian state controlled by a small cabal of elites. For the rest of us, this new society will look a lot like Marxism. So where does gender ideology fit in? 

Gender ideology has become one of their preferred tools for disorienting and deconstructing society. Marxism seeks to destroy religion and the traditional family while inserting the power of the state between parent and child. These are core tenets of Marxism, and that’s why the left loves gender bending, because it fits so nicely into their agenda. Gender ideology very neatly undermines religion, family, and parental authority. It is a particularly powerful tool for the left because it provides four ways to win — Perversion, Profit, Politics, and Power.  


The left is godless and faithless. The state is their god, and control is their religion. Perversion undermines all public morality and is often used to compel the behavior of religious people through the force of law. Gender ideology peddles perversion disguised as a nouveau-chic civil rights movement. Every proclivity and fetish is treated as a minority that must be protected and offered shelter under the left wing.  

Most Americans do not wish to intrude on the private behavior of others. An adult can do as he or she wishes including submitting themselves to the mutilation of transgender surgery. The conflict mainstream Americans have with gender ideology is the result of the left pushing their twisted “pedofantasies” onto our children. The leftist machine is a relentless rabid jackal looking to devour the innocence of childhood because there is more at play than supposed civil rights. Parents are waking up to this.  

Leftists are really working to lower the age of consent through subtle and seemingly unrelated attack vectors. Two examples are persuading children to accept COVID vaccines without their parent’s knowledge or switching the gender of a confused child on arrival at school while concealing their “social transition” from parents who might want to know that their child is going through a crisis. How are these related? Such precedence setting tactics establish new norms for consent while hidden under the cloak of state benevolence. Lowering norms for consent is a checklist item for the left’s pedophiles. 

The left also grooms our children with their debased drag show story hour exhibitions that have only one purpose—fulfilling the autogynephilia of perverted men. These are sometimes funded with tax dollars and endorsed by leftist politicians. But let’s not lay all the blame on the deviants. Stupid leftist parents bring their children to these shows so they can virtue signal about how tolerant they are. Lefty parents do this without regard to the impact of exposing impressionable children to sexually suggestive material. 

Ultimately, pedophilia is the left’s sexual endgame as they drive their strategy forward to legitimize deviants, pardon me…Minor Attracted Persons, the left’s most recent euphemism for pedophiles. 


Billions are also in play for the greedy and corrupted. There’s a burgeoning industry embraced by a battalion of eager Dr. Mengele’s standing ready, scalpel in hand, prepared to ring the register for mutilating troubled children who has been convinced by a corrupt medical-industrial complex that the body parts God gave them should be removed.  

Doctors, who supposedly take an oath to do no harm, stand proudly next their “patients” after a “top” or “bottom” surgery—euphemisms for slicing off healthy adolescent breasts and fileting penises into some unrecognizable body orifice. The internet is brimming with photos of these hypocrites standing proudly next to their victims, pardon me once more, I meant “patients.” These doctors have no shame over the damage they’re doing and, in my view, have ethical standards comparable to the Auschwitz Angel of Death, Dr. Mengele.  

Once reputable medical centers, such as Boston Children’s Hospital, are now strategically embracing and promoting transgenderism as a new profit center, a revenue stream that will keep gushing profits for a victim’s lifetime. A child that enters the transgender money machine will surely be a patient for life. Tens of thousands will be spent just on artificial sustainment of cross-sex hormones. Not to mention the recurring surgeries to correct complications and a plethora of health problems that will arise from forcing a body to become something it was never meant to be. 

The medical-industrial complex is salivating at the prospects. Vulnerable, confused, and often autistic children are routinely railroaded into accepting the trans gospel. Drug companies, medical centers, surgical equipment providers are all aboard the transgender express. Never mind the science that says 80-95% of adolescents would naturally desist in their gender confusion if their delusions were not reinforced by social transition, and they are simply allowed to grow intact as their biological sex.  

The responsibility of the Dr. Mengele’s? Well, that ends when the blood is wiped off their scalpels. They don’t have to deal with the subsequent regret and mental anguish that these victims (“patients”) experience once they realize the horrors of their mistakes. The Dr. Mengele’s can simply hack ‘em, forget ‘em, and cash their fat checks. 


The politics of gender ideology is very useful to the left in sowing division among the populace by establishing false equivalence with the civil rights movement. Any attempt to resist the cult is met with slanderous calls of bigotry and transphobia.  

When legislatures act to protect minors by prohibiting medical procedures that they cannot consent to, the leftist mobs become enraged. Legislatures then become targets for the militant mentally ill to invade and disrupt legislative bodies as we saw in Montana and Oklahoma. Sometimes these intrusions are at the behest of leftist legislators who lead the charge as in the Montana incident. 

Other states like Minnesota and California take the opposite approach. Because they are bastions of leftist groupthink, they seek to become meccas for mutilation by passing legislation that promotes “gender affirming care” and issuing executive orders designed to sustain the blossoming industry that preys on the mentally unstable. 

No doubt, money from the medical-industrial complex is flowing back into politicians’ pockets as campaign contributions while the whole charade hides behind phony civil rights arguments that have been twisted to protect perversion. 

Speakers and experts who promote caution and protection of children are assaulted and run off campuses and even out of countries—a standard leftist tactic. Don’t argue. Don’t engage in reasonable conversation based on logic. Simply silence the opposition through threats and violence. 


While legalized pedophilia is the sexual endgame of the left, power is the political endgame. It’s no secret that politicians pander for votes. Leftist politicians are particularly adept since they believe in nothing but their own power. They divide and conquer the populace while curtailing the rights of mainstream Americans. The chief target of their gender ideology ploy is parental rights. 

Parents of a troubled child become prominent targets when they refuse to go along with their child’s delusions. In the most left leaning states, they may even be accused of child abuse if they don’t affirm their child’s transgender delusions. A sudden rap on the door may be Child Protective Services calling to take a child away from a parent who refuses to socially transition a confused adolescent. 

Schools in leftist jurisdictions have implemented policies that prohibit school officials from contacting parents when a child demands a pronoun change at school. When Virginia tried to pass a law to require schools to inform parents if a child started identifying as the opposite sex, Virginia Senate Democrats served as good leftists and defeated the bill. 

Even prospective adoptive parents are targets. In Oregon, a woman was denied the opportunity to adopt a child because she would not commit to transgender care if it became an issue. 

Of course, this power consolidation is essential to establish an authoritarian, Marxist regime. The state must establish control over the child’s mind and morals. The parents are merely the providers of food, clothing, and shelter, but it’s the state that owns the child. 

Finally, transgenderism has now also become a tool in the fight to destroy Second Amendment rights. The radical transgender movement is starting to become violent. The Nashville shooting perpetrated by a biological female who identified as a male is the first such incident that is now being used by the left to take away guns from law abiding citizens. 

Ironically, the left promotes campaigns for trans people to arm themselves because they are supposedly the targets of violence. If that were the truth, the leftist media would be spreading it faster than COVID spread from China. There is no such violent movement against trans people. 

However, there have been calls for a “trans day of vengeance”—a clear call to violence from the left. Putting guns in the hands of mentally vulnerable young people who are being convinced they are under threat is a recipe for more mass shootings. A convenient result for leftists who will simply use such tragedies as a call to confiscate guns. The blueprint was laid in Nashville. 

So that’s how the left benefits from gender ideology—Perversion, Profit, Politics, and Power. The left will not be satisfied until the sane succumb to the delusions of the insane. This is the essence of the psychological operation known as gaslighting. Resist the insanity. Refuse to be silenced by the left. Be vocal and push back against this twisted social contagion. 

Dan Shyti is an award-winning author and host of the popular podcast Mind Union. (YouTube Channel: @mindunion) He is the author of the recently released book, “American Gaslighting: How American is Being Systematically Taught to Hate Itself.” You may contact him through his website:

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