Charles Hurt, Kimberley Strassel & Ann Coulter on The Larry O’Connor Show 08.21.2020

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out topics from the program below:

Obamas remind American voters why they elected Donald Trump (The Washington Times)

Twelve years after making history by getting elected America’s first actual Black president on soaring promises of “hope” and “change,” Barack Obama is back to let you know he is very, very disappointed in you.

And this time, he is selling grim hopelessness and fear. [Read More]

The Obama-Biden Virus Response (WSJ)

Is it reasonable to blame a single politician for the spread of a highly infectious virus, especially in a free country with 50 states and 330 million people? Joe Biden is lucky that wasn’t the standard a decade ago.

If the Democratic convention produced one theme it’s that Donald Trump is personally at fault for every coronavirus death. The message is that crazy, that blunt. Kamala Harris: “Donald Trump’s failure of leadership has cost lives.” Barack Obama: “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the… [Read More]

A Vote for Joe Biden Is a Vote for a National Mask Mandate, Says Biden (Reason)

The Democratic convention wraps up. Former Vice President Joe Biden formally accepted the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination last night with an address from the virtual Democratic National Convention. Biden’s message, like the messages from other convention speakers talking about him, boiled down to I am a normal human being with normal levels of human empathy and a normal family, I won’t be embarrassing on the national stage or in front of your children, and I won’t put my own needs before the country’s. [Read More]


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