In the aftermath of the racially motivated shooting in Buffalo, NY this past weekend, Richmond Public Schools Superintendent Jason Kamras is stepping up his call for schools to include more “divisive concepts” in school curriculum. Kamras believes that continuing to divide children on the bases of race will help alleviate these types of tragedies from occurring in the future.
“At the core of this heinous attack is the pernicious idea that ‘real’ Americans are White and Christian and that everyone else is an interloper, scheming to “take over” the country,” Kamras wrote. “For centuries, it has nourished violence against Black Americans, and anyone else considered ‘other’ by those who cling to this wretched ideology.” He continued, “The hard and exhausting work of fighting the seemingly eternal tide of racist lies and villainy cannot rest solely on the shoulders of Black, Latino, and Asian Americans.”
The calls from Kamras clearly take aim at the policies enacted on day one of the Youngkin Administration in which the governor called for “ending the use of inherently divisive concepts,” in Virginia K-12 public education. The governor has routinely made it clear that he supports teaching America’s history in its entirety but does not believe divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory has any place in Virginia classrooms. “The governor strongly believes that we should teach all history, the good and the bad. Teaching all history is not divisive. Diversity is our strength, and we will protect all learners from discrimination,” said Youngkin’s press Secretary Macaulay Porter.

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