Democrat proposals to add Justices to the Supreme Courts have now resurfaced following the leaked report that the Court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. The calls for court packing had dwindled since the passing of former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg but are once again front and center as democrats look to capitalize on the leaked report.
Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) is among those co-sponsoring legislation to upend the Court’s historic nine seat chamber and adding liberal justices. “Alito’s draft decision and the example of what we’ve seen this week I think further dramatizes the partisanship of this court. The rationale for expanding the court, for adding justices to the court, which I support, is that this is going to be necessary to restore balance to the court. I think that’s even more obvious to more people now,” said Sen. Smith. The Minnesota Senator is only one of three current co-sponsors backing the plan. The House currently has 50 co-sponsors for their companion bill.
The efforts by Sen. Smith and her Democrat colleagues show the desperation of liberals to reshape American institutions to ensure that their left-wing ideologies remain intact. Despite their best efforts even moderate Democrats like Sen. Manchin (D-WV) and Sinema (D-AZ) have already announced their opposition to the proposal.
As it currently stands neither the Senate nor the House have anywhere near the voters to call for a Floor vote let alone have a chance at passing any form of court packing legislation.

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