Youngkin Eyes National Stage


Governor Glenn Youngkin is scheduled to travel across the country promoting Republican candidates and touting his victory in what has, in recent years, been a blue state. The governor has launched two new political organizations who are managing the national tour. Many believe the move signals Youngkin’s desire to elevate his national profile should he have ambitions beyond the Governor’s office in the future.

The two political committees – Through Spirit of Virginia, a political action committee, and America’s Spirit, a “social welfare organization” – were established to aide in the election of republican candidates in Virginia and around the country.

An advisor to Youngkin, Kristen Davison said on Thursday, “he recognizes that the movement that he sparked in Virginia was growing across the country and that there’s a lot of good that could be done by him jumping in and helping a few other candidates … He’s really looking to tap into that excitement and help other candidates win, particularly those that are in blue states — looking to flip them red.”

Following Youngkin’s historic election in 2022, he plans to help provide a blueprint for conservative candidates nationwide to get elected by talking by focusing on state-based issues and providing real leadership during uncertain times.

Copyright 2022 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.

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