As promised by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, the second bus load filled with immigrants who illegally entered the country at the Texas-Mexico border arrived in the nation’s capital on Thursday morning. DMV-area democrats are now cheering the arrival of the new immigrants into the city.
“What the governor of Texas is doing is an abhorrent and mean-spirited political stunt. I am proud to live in a county and a state that would not accept that type of leadership,” said county executive in Montgomery County Marc Elrich.
On Thursday, Governor Abbott’s office reported that a bus load of illegal immigrants was dropped off near the White House, following the first buses arrival on Wednesday which dropped off a number of people near Union Station. The decision by Abbott comes in response to President Biden’s controversial move to let Title 42 expire.
Governor Abbott has also signed an agreement with the governor of the Mexican state Nuevo Leon to provide patrol on the Mexican side of the border to deter illegal entry into the U.S. The governor’s office says he looks to strike up similar deals with the other Mexican-state bordering Texas.
“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.,” announced Governor Abbott.

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