Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears joined “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday to discuss a parental choice in their child’s education – a topic that continues to become more pervasive nationwide. Sears did not mince words when taking aim at democrats for restricting parent’s ability to choose the right educational opportunities for their children.
Sears said that all parents should be afforded this decision-making power, not just the wealthy. “If they don’t like what their children are learning, they pick them up and they put them somewhere else. It is those of us who don’t have the means to move that our children are being subjected to this.” Sears said Democrats “better start listening to parents. Because the children do belong to the parents, not the state.”
She continued, “The thing is, parents have been saying, all this time, we are the ones who will decide what our children should learn. … Because, ultimately, parents want to ensure that their children are learning. That’s the whole thing, are they learning? If they’re not, then something needs to be done. And that’s why we were elected last November, and that’s the message that we’re carrying, that’s the laws that we’re trying to pass, and, in fact, we got two bills through. The governor just signed them this week. One of them was that the state Board of Education would convene a panel to include parents so that they can help make decisions about what their children are going to learn and another one was that any sexually explicit materials that are going to be provided to children, parents must be notified. I mean, imagine that this is what we have to come to.”
Sears words echoes those laid out on the campaign trail by herself and Governor Glenn Youngkin who assured parents that they would be a top priority in their administration and would no longer be silenced by liberal school boards.

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