Governor Hogan on New Congressional Map: “Tremendous Victory For Democracy”


After failed attempts by democrat lawmakers to maintain the state’s gerrymandered congressional map, Governor Larry Hogan enacted a new congressional map for the state of Maryland earlier this week. The new map was the result of a Maryland Judge dismissing the democrat legislatures map and referring to it as “extreme gerrymandering”.

  • What Hogan is saying: “When these maps came out in December, I said they were unconstitutional and violated the law. The courts agreed, described it as extreme partisan gerrymandering, and a clear violation of the Constitution, ordered the legislature to go back and draw new maps, which they did. Now they weren’t, in my opinion, as good as the ones drawn by the citizen commission, and we shouldn’t have wasted so much time—but they are a huge improvement.” He later added, “A number of maps have been thrown out in other states around the country, Republican maps. This is the first time in the United States that a set of Democratic maps have been thrown out for the same reasons.”
  • The new map is expected to seed six congressional seats to democrats, one to republicans and the last district, the eighth district, is expected to be competitive for both parties. The original proposal put forth by democrats would have secured seven congressional seats for the party.
  • Maryland primary elections: as a result of the delay to approve a new congressional map the Maryland Court of Appeals agreed to move the state’s primary elections from June 28 to July 19.

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