On Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted in favor of overturning a health order that required patrons to mask while flying or riding other forms of public transit. Although passed through the Senate the Biden Administration has promised a swift veto if the bill is passed in the House and sent to the president’s desk.
- The final vote tally: 57-40, with the bill passing with bipartisan support.
- State-of-play: last week the Biden Administration announced that they would be extending the requirement of masks at airports, ride share vehicles and train stations. The requirements were set to expire on April 18.
- What the CDC is saying: Republicans point to the a report released last week by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that 98% of American live in a place were masks are no longer needed.
- Democrats changing their tune: on COVID related restrictions. This marks one in a series of attempts by Democrats to move away from COVID lockdown measures that have become increasingly unpopular. It is widely believed that the move comes in preparation for the Fall midterms, where Democrats are expected lose a number of seats in both the House and Senate.

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