The American Petroleum Institute’s Senior Vice President of Policy, Economics, and Regulatory Affairs Frank Macchiarola joined O’Connor & Company this morning to discuss America’s energy future and this administration’s failure to secure that future. As gas prices continue to rise the Biden Administration points the finger at Russia, while failing to address their own role in this crisis by curbing American energy development projects like the Keystone Pipeline.
“For decades we’ve had a bipartisan policy in the United States from administrations from both parties that we were going to be more energy secure, and we were going to drive toward independence. For the first time since the 1950s, in 2020, we became a net exporter of petroleum here in the United States. That strengthens our national security, our energy security, and our economy. That’s the direction we should be heading. This administration comes into place and reverses that progress.”
He continued: “to send a message to the marketplace that you’re going to shut down oil and gas leasing on federal land and you’re going to cancel pipelines that has a dampening effect on investment in the United States. It sends the signal that you are moving away from oil and natural gas. You can’t turn a switch on-and-off with this. This requires a long-term commitment to establish an energy policy that says the U.S. is going to value or oil and gas resources, and we’re going to use it as a strategic asset for the country.”
The strong words from Macchiarola echo the demands of the American people who are looking for solutions, not excuses, for rising gas prices that continue to hurt working class Americans.
Visit American Petroleum Institute website for more information on rising gas prices and their plan to bolster American natural gas production to secure American energy independence.

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